
EDEXIS Smart Postage vs. Just a Stamp!

When you mail a standard First-Class letter in-house, no additional services are included. But when you mail the same letter through EDEXIS, you get:

TRACING: Yes! Our First-Class, regular mail includes tracing information. The example below shows tracing history with the most recent data at the top of the list. Starting from the very bottom, tracing confirms that our local post office received the mailing from us. It shows when the nearest hub post office, West Sacramento, received the mail and then lastly it shows when the recipient post office received the mail. While it doesn’t confirm delivery (that requires Certified or Priority) it does provide valuable information that you would never receive when sending regular, First-Class mail yourself.

ARCHIVING: All mail services are archived within your account. This includes all tracing/tracking information, your documents, a list of recipients, any delivery signatures, and your signed proof of service. Everything you need to review the status of a mailing is in one spot.

PROOF OF SERVICE: Include a FREE proof of service for any mailing. We do NOT contract with a mailing service and actually print and produce your mailings in-house. As the mail producer, we are able to legally produce and sign the official Proof of Service form.

EXTRAS: For a small additional fee, upgrade your First-Class Mail to Certified or Priority Mail, include pre-addressed return envelopes with or without return postage, or include check payments with a mailing. We also automatically apply for your USPS refund for any Certified Mail order you send that is not delivered within 30 days by the US Postal Service. No other mailing service offers this automatic refund application!

Our mail isn’t just smart, it’s friendly. Sign up for a pay-as-you-go account online with no obligation. Each new account comes with a $4.00 credit towards your first mailing. All accounts can be upgraded to monthly billing if preferred and include unlimited users. Daily Mail also includes your logo printed on the envelope with your return address for that polished look synonymous with EDEXIS.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.





EAMS Public Case Search CAPTCHA Solution

Many California Work Comp professionals are struggling to work with the DWC’s new CAPTCHA that has been added to the EAMS public case search site. Companies have been botting this site to capture ADJ case information and use that information to populate their EAMS forms and update their case management systems. With recent changes, many of these practices are no longer working.

If you are experiencing these challenges and are looking for a solution, we can help you. We still provide automatic population of EAMS forms via our JetFiling services, automated hearings, events, and case party updates, automated complete case history and automated notice of new case openings. Additionally, we can serve the case parties all court documents.

For a complete California work comp solution, give us a call.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




DWC EDEX Data or DWC Public Case Search Data?

When the DWC introduced EAMS in 2008, many thought that the existing EDEX (Electronic Data Exchange) system would dissapear. It actually didn’t and still provides valuable data that isn’t available from EAMS – or at least isn’t available in a manageable, legitimately accessible manner.

The Public Case Search is a good resource when looking up information on one or two cases. EDEX, on the other hand, was designed to manage large volumes of DWC ADJ cases and provide automated reporting on both past and future case activity. It is also a DWC approved process for accessing this data. Even employers, occupational health offices, and risk management companies are allowed to access DWC data for post-offer, pre-employment purposes via EDEX.

We have clients that are tracking thousands of cases and automatically receive all future hearings, events, and case party updates. This includes 190+ types of notices vs. the 5 or 6 activities reported in the Public Case Search. EDEX Case Party Updates notify you when a new party is added, removed, or edited on a case. Cases can also be searched historically for a COMPLETE record of case activity. Additionally, Social Security and ERN numbers can be tracked to trigger notices of new case openings. While this data can be managed via our interface, it can also be linked to your case management system via our API solutions.

Users do NOT have to be a party to a case to access this information. If you ARE a party to the case, you will receive hearing notices from the DWC via either fax, mail, or email depending on your preferred method of service. You will NOT receive all the notices from the DWC that you will receive from EDEXIS.

Here is a list of the 190+ notice types:

As you can see, there is a lot of valuable data available within EDEX. Data that isn’t easily accessible from any other source. Integrating these notices within your work flow is a valuable tool and can be an easy process via batch uploads of both Case Searches and Case Watches.

If you would like to learn more about EDEX data, electronic EAMS Filing, or our mailing services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




andrea.macon@edexis.com or julia.burns@edexis.com


NEW FEATURE: Error Alerts

We recently introduced a new dashboard that includes some handy features. One of those features is error alerts. You can see those at the top, right hand side of the page in red.

Once you select the Error button you will be taken to a list of those errors to acknowledge. As you review these errors you may find that some need further action and some are simply informational. If you believe you need to refile a document, please contact customer service first as we can often fix the error and resubmit that filing for you without your having to start over.

Once you acknowledge an error, it will be removed from the notifications.

There are also additional buttons to the right of the Error button that inform you of pending filings, DocBox reports, and unsubmitted orders. Unsubmitted orders are orders that were started, but not completed to the final “submit” option.

If you haven’t taken a look at the new dashboard, we encourage you to do so.

While we will not be requiring adoption for some time, there will eventually be a required migration. Additionally, no new features or improvements will be made to the old interface.

Thank you!

EDEX Support





Try Our New Dashboard!

Our pre-release, beta version of our EDEXOne dashboard is now available.

This new dashboard consolidates all recent orders, and provides an order search screen with simple options to find your previous activity. New quick alert icons display counts of your unsubmitted and in-process orders, filing errors, and new DocBox records.

A variety of sorting and filtering criteria are also available to help locate specific orders. Click on any row to view order details and view order activity logs. You can also see documents, delivery recipients, and tracking information.

To review the new dashboard, select the “Try the EdexOne Dashboard beta” when logging in.

This dashboard is still in development, and you may encounter occasional errors and oddities. You may switch back to our current production site by turning off the dasboard preview option in the top menu bar. If you encounter any issues or wish to provide feedback about the new dashboard, please let us know by sending an email to support@edexis.com.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.





Proof of Service (Not as Simple as it Looks)

On its face, a proof of service seems very simple, but of all the documents that we create, mail, and electronically file, the proof of service probably has the most intricacies and requires the most ongoing discussion and review – both technically and legally.

Because our clients practice a wide range of law, it gets even more complicated. Obviously, the basis of the proof of service is EDEX declaring that we served your documents on another party. That service might be first class, priority, certified mail or electronic. There is a civil proof of service, a probate proof of service, and a standard proof of service that is used within the California work comp industry and for general purposes. To ensure you are accessing the most accurate proof of service for your mailing we wanted to take a minute to summarize those options:



Probate documents include the proof of service within the actual form that is submitted to the court. To accommodate this, we have added probate documents to our Universal Template option at the Upload page. You can see a completed sample below. The court can be selected from a drop down menu and auto-populated. If you would like to use your own probate forms, please call our office for further instructions on how to do that.

After we mail the probate document with the unsigned proof of service, a signed proof of service is generated and populated to your account and emailed to you if you choose.



After entering the address of your parties for delivery, you will have an option to choose your proof of service type as shown below from four options.

The court can be selected from a drop down option to automatically populate the court information. The first page will look like this:

The second page would look like the page below. In this instance, the document is mailed both certified and first class. That is an optional automated feature of EDEX Mailing.

Once the document has been mailed, the signed proof of service will populate to your account and to your email if chosen.




The standard proof of service is shown below. There were multiple parties served with this document. Some parties were served via certified, some via priority, some first class, and one was served via email. Those parties that received mailed service are listed on the first page and the party that was served via electronic service is listed on the second page:

When mailing a document that is related to a California litigated work comp ADJ case, the parties for that case will automatically populate to your proof of service. You will be able to edit those parties and add additional parties if you choose.

This proof of service is also the version that is filed electronically into EAMS with any documents you submit electronically. However, it is signed when it is electronically filed to be compliant with the DWC. Like all legally compliant proofs of service, it is NOT signed when it is mailed.

You can also choose to have a signed proof of service automatically electronically filed to the DWC after it is mailed.



  • Do not include your own proof of service if we are doing the service for you. In some instances we have seen mailers include their own proof of service with an indication of, “please see attached EDEX proof of service”. However we cannot speak to the validity of that practice.
  • If you are accessing your EDEX features via an API tied to your case management system, the signed proof of service may automatically populate to your case management system.

If you have any questions about choosing the correct proof of service, please contact customer support.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




Win Disney Bucks at the EDEXIS booth during the CCWC 20th Annual Conference

EDEXIS will be exhibiting at the California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation conference June 12th – 14th at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa. Drop by and enter to win one of our many give-a-ways including a $200 Disney Gift Card.

If you want to learn more about how to manage your work comp data more efficiently, you can start here. Do you know that EDEXIS can…

  • generate an automated alert when a NEW litigated work comp case opens
  • automatically report ALL hearings, events, and case party changes — not just the few notices that WCAB will send you
  • clean up your data in EAMS, at no charge, to ensure that you are receiving all case information correctly
  • report a complete list of every lien on file per lien claimant and if that lien has been dismissed or is stayed
  • provide a complete list of every case your company is associated with at the DWC
  • be used for Post-Offer, Pre-Employment Searches to ensure that you are using the best hiring practices
  • allow you to Jet-File all of your documents into EAMS with unlimited users that can file simultaneously. While our filing validation rarely allows errors, it is our customer support team that resolves any errors, not your staff. Most of your data auto-populates within our standard interface and, with our API solutions, you can fully automate your filing.
  • mail your documents with an optional, legally compliant, proof of service. While our mailing process was created to serve parties associated with an EAMS filing, it can be used for ALL mailing to any destination within the US. For mailings associated with an ADJ (or multiple ADJ’s) all parties automatically populate. Options include Certified, Priority, SASE, and check inclusion. Aggregate Mail starts at $1.25 and Daily Mail starts at $2.68.

We look forward to chatting with you at the June conference. To learn more about all of our services, you can find us here:


DWC Announcing Suspension and Possible Sanctions for EAMS e-Filers (not Jet-Filers)

On May 14th, the DWC announced planned corrective actions for E-FILERS who persistently disregard regulations, e-filing instructions, and document discrepancy notifications. If you are currently Jet-Filing through EDEXIS, rather than e-filing directly into EAMS, you don’t receive emails from the DWC about filing errors. EDEXIS Jet-Filers are blissfully unaware of the large range of typical e-filing errors thanks to rigorous validation and automated monitoring and follow-up.

Of note, the DWC will address any user that commits this wrong:

  • Filing duplicate documents both electronically and by hard-copy (including documents emailed directly to a judge).

This happens if the WCAB office is added as a party on your proof of service and mailed a copy of the filed documents. EDEXIS does NOT automatically add the DWC as a party for service, but other mail services do. If you are using a different mail service to serve case parties, be aware of this.

Other frequently encountered e-filing errors that are easily avoidable with EDEXIS Jet-Filing include:

  • Using incorrect document titles for filing or submitting documents with incorrectly titled attachments.

In particular, using the doc title TYPED OR WRITTEN LETTER (which triggers work flow) rather than MISC-CORRESPONDENCE OTHER (which does not). If you are using TYPED OR WRITTEN LETTER again and again while filing trial exhibits, for example, you may be triggering dozens of tasks and NONE of those need to be individually reviewed by a judge.

  • Making duplicate submissions of documents already in FileNet.

For example, e-filing an application, then the next day, when you do not see a new ADJ case for your DOI, submitting another duplicate application.

  • Repeatedly submitting failed batches to the UDQ.

If you have any filing questions or want to review any of your e-filing processes for DWC compliance, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We are always happy to help.



EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



Tracking, Tracing, and Other Mail Lingo

If you’ve ever learned a new language, you quickly realize that much can be lost in translation. Understanding the lingo of the US Postal Service is practically a language in and of itself. Because we send mail on behalf of our clients, we are often immersed in that language. As we want to be sure that we are always communicating clearly, we figured a quick summary of common terms might be helpful.


Tracking a mailing is unique to a mail item that has an assigned tracking number. Both Certified and Priority mail are assigned a tracking number by USPS. That number can be entered into the USPS website and the mailing’s physical location can usually be ascertained – unless USPS loses it (and this does happen, as you know all too well). Tracking histories can look a bit different from mail piece to mail piece simply due to inconsistencies in scanning practices at any specific post office. When comparing the two Certified Mail pieces below, it is easy to see that the second mail piece received some very specific scans in the beginning that the first mail piece did not. While we are continuously working with the USPS to improve these practices, there will likely always be some inconsistencies.


Tracing is relevant to a standard piece of First Class mail. This is similar to a piece of mail that you would simply put a stamp on and drop in a mailbox. Our First Class mail is processed with multiple types of scanning codes. that allows the mail pieces to be traced as they move through the USPS. Using our services, you can tell when our post office receives a piece of mail from us, when it is in transit and often when it is delivered to the recipient post office. While you can’t tell when a First Class piece of mail is delivered, you can monitor it to know that it is in the mail and progressing. Logical Delivery Event, as shown below, means that the mail piece was on a truck and the truck was in the neighborhood of the delivery address, according to GPS data for that truck. Thus, “delivery expected” but not confirmed because that particular mail piece did not have the added service of Certified or Priority.


Destination SCF Processing means that the “Destination Sectional Center Facility” is processing that piece of mail. Destination MMP Processing means that the ” Destination Managed Mail Program” is processing that piece of mail. In short – that mail piece has been received near the destination address and is being processed for final delivery.


Beyond language challenges there are occasionally process changes. One of those was recently implemented for Aggregated Mail. Historically, the cut off time for Aggregated Mail was Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 a.m. That cut off time is now Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 2:00.

Also, as always, outgoing mail is sent from Northern California. This can affect your delivery times based on destination.

As always, if you ever have any questions about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help unravel the often confusing mail lingo.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.





Uploading the Monster File

99% of the time when you are uploading documents in EDEXOne, everything goes smoothly. However, that 1% can be a monster. Here are some suggestions to help tame those occasionally difficult document uploads:

  • Only PDF and Word documents are allowed
  • Password protected documents will fail the upload
  • File names with unique characters such as “&” can cause problems

File Size

  • Documents that are being mailed only (not filed electronically into a court case) have a 200 MB per file size limit, and it is natural for a larger file to take longer to upload.
  • Electronically filed EAMS documents are restricted by the DWC to 70 MB, and under, per packet. This might be seven individual documents that are each 10 MB or it might be one document that is 70 MB.

File size is affected by the number of pages AND how a document is scanned and saved. The image below shows a document that is 5,391 KB. When you right click on that document and select properties, you can see the document size conversion of 5.26 MB. While this form wouldn’t upload because it is an EXCEL file, the size would not be an issue.

When scanning a document, remember that EDEXOne does NOT print in color and the court does not allow color. Therefore, there is no reason to scan a document in color and increase your file size. Here is an example of the same document scanned with six different settings. You can see that the black document scanned at 300 dpi is significantly smaller than the other documents. If this creates a document with clear quality, this would be recommended. If you need a higher quality, the black at 600 dpi might be preferred.

Flattened Documents

When using a PDF FILLABLE form, the user must lock or “flatten” the PDF document after completing the form fields to ensure the document can be viewed on all devices and to prevent other users from manipulating or editing the information.  Flattening is also recommended when you add an electronic signature to a PDF document.  This adheres the signature to the document so that the signature doesn’t move or accidentally get deleted.

When submitting a document electronically via EDEXOne for mailing or filing, our system will flatten a document for you.  However, flattening your document prior to any type of upload will ensure an added level of security and accuracy. 

Follow the steps below to flatten a completed form:

  • Right click on document and select Print or select File and select Print.
  • Select the PDF PRINTER option.
  • Select OK.
  • Specific location to save the flattened version of the form.
  • Select Save.

EAMS Electronic Filing Suggestions:

When filing your document electronically into EAMS, there are some additional things to consider:

  • You NEVER need to upload cover sheets or separator sheets. EDEXOne will create those for you.
  • If you are requesting that EDEXIS serve the other parties, do NOT include a proof of service. EDEXOne will create the proper proof of service.
  • Do NOT file duplicates of documents that are already in the case file, whether in hard copy or electronic format.
  • EAMS regulations state that filings of any one document should not be more than 25 pages. This does NOT apply to Medical Reports or Exhibits.
  • If you are filing multiple documents of the same type, scan them in a single, multi-page document. Do not file them separately. This applies to: Benefit Notice (separate your TTD and PD notices); Explanation of Benefits (EOB’s); LC4906(g) Statements; Lien Bills; Medical Management Reports; Physical Therapy Notes; and PR-2s
  • Do NOT put all of your QME/AME reports together. Medical reports are filed separately. Do not scan all of one doctor’s reports together as a single document. Scan each report separately.
  • When filing a lien, do NOT file medical reports, demand letters, explanation of benefits (EOB’s) etc. ONLY file your original bill and itemized statement. Other documents can be filed later as proposed exhibits.
  • Do NOT attach the required verifications and declarations when filing liens via EDEXOne. These are automatically generated for you.
  • Do NOT use the words “Exhibit” or “Evidence” when titling your documents. Documents are NOT exhibits until so designated by the judge.

Lastly, before submitting your document for mailing or filing (or both), be sure to review the completed form. Selecting the submit button is an acknowledgement by the user that the form is correct.

As always, the experienced staff at EDEXIS is available to assist you with any questions.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




Certified Mail 101

Old habits die hard, and when mailing Certified Mail there is something undeniably comforting about manually filling out the two green Certified Mail documents – one that proves you mailed the envelope (PS Form 3800) and one that is returned to you with the recipient’s signature (PS Form 3811 – the green card). Having those hard copy receipts in your hand vs. electronically, just feels more substantial and legal.

As the world embraces electronic technology, those comfortable processes become less efficient and sometimes, more expensive. Our goal is to ease our clients into this technology while ensuring proper legal compliance. We know that timely information and reporting is key to that transition.

When Certified Mail is physically received by our local post office, each item is scanned by a USPS clerk. This triggers a Certified Mail Acceptance Receipt to confirm that your mail was SENT. This parallels PS Form 3800 – that reassuring receipt that we walk out of the post office with.

EDEXOne’s Certified Mail Acceptance Receipt (below) is available in your mailing’s Document List. Click on Manage Mailing, select Documents then click the document link that says Certified Mail Acceptance Certificate.

For those sending Certified Mail to prove DELIVERY, the manual process would be to fill out this form:

EDEXOne mailing provides the same service via the USPS electronic Return Receipt process. The recipient’s signature and time and date of delivery are captured by the mail carrier and returned electronically as a PDF document stored in your document list. EDEXOne captures that PDF and archives it permanently with your mailings. You can also access that receipt for a limited time at the USPS.com site.

This is what the USPS Electronic Receipt looks like:

This receipt automatically generates within your document list for each mailing. You can also access a Certificate of Mailing from your Manage Mailing tab. If you select Certificate of Mailing you can choose to have this signed document emailed to you. There is a cover page so you will need to scroll down to see it.

Monitoring mail statistics and evaluating the USPS response and service times is a large part of what we do as part of our mailing services. Recent conversations with post office employees, and our own delivery statistics, have allowed us to determine that USPS Certified Mail is no longer as reliable as many senders believe it to be. Why is this? USPS management has required that Certified Mail mingle with regular First-Class mail to save money. As a result, previously accountable mailings are stuck in the middle of the First-Class mail stacks and often miss delivery scans. We have noticed that around 10% of Certified Mail does not receive delivery scans and up to 5% of Certified Mail Return Receipt does not receive delivery scans and/or signatures.

To offset this reduction in USPS accuracy and service, we have created a detailed alert system. If your mail is NOT travelling at what our algorithms consider a normal speed, you will receive an email alert. This alert provides you with an early warning system to monitor this mailing and decide if you need to remail that item.

At that point you might consider sending that document via Priority Mail with Return Receipt for a more reliable delivery experience.

If your trackable mail piece has still not been delivered after 30 days, we automatically request a postage refund for you and send that to you via check.

If you have any questions about Certified Mail, or any of our other mail services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Thank you,

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




EDEXIS Mail or DocuCents Mail?

Two commonly used, California-based, mail services are EDEXIS and DocuCents, but did you know that we started out as one company – DWC Direct. The original program only catered to California, litigated work comp mailings and were typically used in conjunction with electronic filing for the DWC’s case management system, EAMS. This led to aggregated mail with a proof of service. Aggregated mail combines all mail going to one destination in one envelope, thus providing significant savings to the sender.

Eventually, separate visions resulted in two products – EDEXIS Mailing and DocuCents Mailing. While DocuCents continued to offer only the original aggregated mail services, EDEXIS also expanded to offer Daily Mail with or without a proof of service with options for Certified, Priority, Return Receipt, check inclusion and many other add-ons. This has allowed us to work with anyone needing mailing services, not just those in California work comp. Additionally, many East Coast companies now use EDEXIS to take advantage of the time difference while many international companies utilize our services for a US mailing option.

While not all our users are in the legal field, expanding our services to a wider legal community required that our proofs of service meet ALL legal industry requirements. This means that the proof of service we mail with your documents is NOT signed in order to be legally compliant. AFTER we send your document, we then provide you with a signed proof of service.

If you would like to learn more about our mailing services and/or our EAMS filing and case tracking and discovery services, please contact customer support. A no-obligation, pay-as-you-go mailing account can also be opened online with a $4.00 free trial for your first mailing.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




Happy Summer!

All of us at EDEXIS hope you and yours are enjoying a lovely Summer.

We know that many of you, and a few of us, have kids that are either already back in school or getting ready to return. As our work schedules shift to accommodate the school year, many of our users appreciate the ability to login to EDEXIS twenty-four hours a day to either send mail or file a document electronically into EAMS. If you are working from another time zone, or even another country, we are here anytime.

If you find yourself with a few extra minutes, you may want to browse our blog to learn about other time management tools:

  • Automated Trial Exhibit Lists
  • Automated signed proofs of service electronically filed after a mailing
  • Unlimited, simultaneous user access
  • Check inclusion

Live customer support is available 8:30 to 5:00 Monday through Friday Pacific time and 8:30 to 4:00 on Friday.

Happy Summer!





Proof of Service Follow-up that is Almost Like Magic

When mailing a document that is related to a California WCAB case number (but not electronically filed), you may need to follow-up by electronically filing JUST the proof of service into EAMS – for example, when mailing the minutes of hearing. That process has now been automated. As you can see in the image below, you can indicate that you want the signed proof of service electronically filed into EAMS.

We would like to expand on this service for all mailings. Where else might you want a signed proof of service sent after mailing? Civil Courts? Individually entered recipients? Let us know what would help you most!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.





New (and coming soon) EDEXIS Features!


  • Priority Mail with Certified Mail: Priority Mail now has the option to add Certified. We find that Certified mail is significantly more reliable within when paired with Priority Mail.
  • Additional Administrator Functionality: Users that have administrative account access can update their credit cards and fully manage/add their account users. Please call customer support to identify your administrator if you haven’t already done so.
  • Check Inclusion: If you would like to include a check with a mailing, please go to the MY ACCOUNT option and submit a check authorization form.
  • Automated DWC Workers’ Compensation Trial Exhibit List: If FileNet is active in your EDEXOne account, you can now take advantage of our automated Trial Exhibit List.
  • EAMS (California Work Comp) Access: If you have a DWC assigned EAMS login, you can link EDEXOne FileNet and view documents in EAMS if you are a party. If you don’t have EAMS access, it is now MUCH easier to set up. The 5-hour webinar is no longer required. Now, you simply read through some documentation, take a 15 minute online test, and submit your application. If you pass the test, they email you your login. If you need assistance with this, please contact our office. While EDEXOne is the easier option for filing, we do still recommend an EAMS login as well. The ability to view documents in the case file is incredibly helpful.
  • Instruction Manuals for both filing and mailing are now available under the MY ACCOUNT feature.


  • Automation of the QME Form 106 Panel Request: While this form can be filled out online, we will also be adding a version to our site that allows you to mostly auto-populate this form AND schedule when you want to submit this form to the DWC Medical Unit. Scheduling a 5:00/15th Day submission may help you improve your QME panel results. Once we roll this product out, it will only be available to our existing customers as a BETA product for several months of testing.
  • Automated Proof of Service Follow-Up: When you mail a document, the legally compliant proof of service is NOT signed. After the mailing happens, we sign a proof of service and submit that to your account. There are many instances when the court, or another party, needs a copy of the SIGNED proof of service. We will be automating the ability to send/file the SIGNED proof of service after it is generated.


  • Postal Rate Increase: The USPS will be raising their rates next weekend. A stamp is now sixty-six cents. While you will see that increase in EDEX Daily Mail, Aggregated mail is still $1.25.
  • Certified Mail: Historically, Certified Mail was handled outside the automation process at the post office. Recently that has changed and Certified Mail is now sorted and tracked with standard First Class. That has resulted in an increase in Certified Mail not triggering a final capture of delivery. We have improved our labelling to make Certified Mail more visible when stacked with First Class mail.
  • Certified Mail Refunds: When a document is sent via Certified Mail with EDEXOne, we track that item. If it hasn’t been delivered within thirty days, we submit a refund request and then send your office a check that includes that refund.

If you need assistance with any of the features above, please don’t hesitate to contact customer support.

Thank you,





Automated Trial Exhibit List

Uploading Trial Exhibits and the required Trial Exhibit List into EAMS can be time consuming. One part of that process is now easier than ever as we have automated the Trial Exhibit List.

If you have an EAMS login and that login is built into your EDEX account’s FileNet tab, the Unstructured Universal Template form titled “Trial Exhibit List” will automatically generate using the document titles, authors, dates, and EAMS Doc ID that you choose from the case document list. You do have to be a party to the case in order to access the document checklist.


Just a reminder that there is no EAMS document titled “Trial Exhibit”. When uploading your documents, you title them with the most appropriate available title, the author, and the date the document was created. Those documents are not actually a Trial Exhibit until the judge approves them. Additionally, avoid uploading a document that has already been uploaded by either you or another party. You can include another party’s uploaded document on your Trial Exhibit List.


If you DON’T have an EAMS Login it is now easier than ever to set that up. There is an online webinar that you watch, followed by a twenty question quiz. If you pass the quiz, the DWC will provide you with a login. Contact our customer support team and we will be happy to help you get started.

When you are filing or mailing a document, don’t forget to look at the Universal Templates tab for other automated forms such as:

  • Change of Address
  • Notice of Additional Documents
  • Notice of Hearing
  • Notice of Phone Availability
  • Notice of Representation (several versions) (includes automated follow-up reports)
  • Petition for Change of Judge (lien claimant)
  • Petition to Resolve Med-Legal Dispute (Non-IBR)
  • Post Settlement Demand Letter
  • Probate CA DE120 and DE121
  • Proposed Order/Award (lien claimant)
  • Request for Continuance
  • Request for Insurance Claim Number (includes automated response functionality)
  • Request for Order Taken Off Calendar
  • Request for Withdrawal of Lien
  • Second Bill Review
  • Trial Exhibit List (EAMS – Requires FileNet Login)
  • Withdrawal of Petition for Cost (several versions)

You will also see a Personal Templates button where you may find forms specific to your office if you have requested that those be added.

Other news —

Another recent addition can be found under the MY ACCOUNT tab. We have added several instruction manuals for both filing and mailing that allow you to take a quick refresher and jump to individual topics for quick guidance. However, as always, your account still comes with unlimited training that includes personal webinars that can be scheduled as needed.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.






Avoiding the Dreaded Unprocessed Document Queue

If you are filing your California Division of Work Comp documents directly via EAMS, how often —

  • do your documents end up in the UDQ (Unprocessed Document Queue)?
  • does your document fail entirely and you must resubmit it from the beginning?

How much time are you spending resolving filing errors?

Imagine –

  • built in filing validations that fix those errors before a document is ever submitted.
  • the ability to fix an existing document and resubmit that document WITHOUT starting over.
  • having a support team that monitors your filings and often recognizes (and fixes) the rare document error for you.

You don’t have to imagine those features. They are part of EDEXIS filing.

The following common industry errors are just a few that can be managed or entirely avoided with little effort –

  • INJURED WORKER DATA DOES NOT MATCH EAMS: EAMS requires an exact match for the injured worker’s last name, date of birth, and SSN, but names are easily misspelled, and DOB’s contain typos.  EDEXIS pulls injured worker names from EAMS so that data will always match, but DOB is a different story.  If you submit a document with an incorrect DOB and the document fails, we can simply update that data field and resubmit your document for you.
  • MULTIPLE INJURED WORKERS FOR NAME + DOB + SSN: In instances where multiple cases exist for an injured worker but the names, DOBs or SSN’s are different, EDEXIS can intercede on your behalf and work with the DWC to correct the errors.
  • VENUE ERRORS: If a venue error occurs due to a missing or incorrect venue, we can simply change the venue on your submission and resubmit that document.
  • FAILED CREDIT CARD ON A LIEN FILING: If the $150 lien filing fee payment fails, our users receive a notice via email with a link that allows them to add a new card and resubmit the lien.
  • UAN ERRORS: If a filing contains an incorrect UAN, we can simply update the document to the correct UAN and resubmit the form. UAN’s are automated in our system so this is very rare and typically only happens when a filing happens as a UAN is being changed at the DWC.
  • DOR – HEARINGS ALREADY ON CALENDAR: When filing a DOR through EDEXIS we automatically stop your DOR if a hearing is already on file for that case. 
  • DWC CHANGES: Occasionally, the DWC will make a programming change without notifying filers.  The most recent example of this was when they stopped accepting American Express cards for lien filing fees.  Because we monitor filings so closely, we can quickly recognize these issues, and both share that information and fix those filings.

When you pair our error monitoring with our other filing efficiencies, you can image how much less time you spend filing through EDEXIS:

  • Unlimited simultaneous users that can file at the same time.
  • Automated mailed and emailed service to the other parties with a proof of service.
  • Automatically populated form data including all existing ADJ data.
  • Archived and updated forms and filing status including filing ID capture.
  • Automated Trial Exhibit Lists, and the ability to include a check and/or SASE with any mailing.
  • Automated NOR follow-up.

To learn more, please contact customer support at support@edexis.com or sign up online:


Automated NOR Report

If you have ever filed a Notice of Representation with the DWC, you know that the electronic filing triggers a manual review. Once the NOR is filed, your UAN has to be added to the case by a clerk. Thus, it is necessary to monitor your NORs to ensure that you are accurately being added to the address record. We have automated this monitoring process.

We can set your account up to automatically review NORs filed in the last 90 days and confirm that your UAN has been added to the address record. We will email you a report on the 3rd day of each month. This report meets the guidelines of the DWC’s process requiring you to send them a specifically formatted spreadsheet to request NOR follow-ups.

If you are interested, please contact customer support. We will start by running a full year report on your past NORs and then continue with the monthly report. There is no additional charge for this service.

Also, just a reminder that we can batch file your NOR’s for you when needed.




andrea@edexis.com or julia@edexis.com


Easy Data Reports

Our EDEX data reporting features provide something for everyone. Select your REPORTS tab and then select the drop down menu. You can see a detailed explanation of what each report does. Here’s a little more guidance on those options:


Filing History: Displays all filings and mailings including how many parties were served.

Mailing History: Displays the document title that was mailed with each recipient served and the total cost.

Invoice Details Report: All monthly charges are itemized individually. Reference fields can be associated.

Print and Delivery Certification Report: Review all of your mailings and their delivery status.


Calendar (by receive date or hearing date): Quickly import your hearings into your internal calendar if you aren’t using the EDEXIS calendar.

Event: Capture all case events for faster review.

Case Opening: When a SSN or ERN watch is filed, it may eventually generate a notice of a case opening when a new ADJ case is created. This is also an automated feature when an Application of Adjudication is submitted via filing. Watches and subsequent case opening notices are an excellent tool for risk management and insurance providers.

Casewatch (without or without parties included): Quickly assess all cases you are tracking via casewatch.

Lien Payment: Audit your $150 lien fees against your credit card statement.

Liens vs. Casewatches: Never forget to file that casewatch. This report compares all of your filings to those cases you are tracking and alerts you to any missing casewatches. You can also email that report to support@edexis and we can batch process any missing casewatches. Casewatches provide hearings, events, and case party updates when a party changes and you DON’T have to be a case party.

Settlement Plus Report: Shows every case you have indicated an interest in via a search, casewatch, or filing and then the status of that case. This includes filings, hearings, settlement status, etc.

Report Tricks:

  • Some reports limit the time range available from the interface. If you need a larger date range, contact support and we will run that report for you.
  • When a report generates, it goes to your DocBox tab.
  • One report that isn’t available from the interface is the NOR REPORT. We can run this for you and quickly recognize if you have been added to the address record as a result of an NOR Filing.
  • There are no additional charges for reports.
  • Some reports can be automated to arrive in your email on your preferred schedule – daily, weekly, etc.
  • If you can’t find exactly what you are looking for, let us know!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




California Judicial Council Proof of Service

Starting Monday, September 26th, you will notice a few changes to the usual flow of EDEX Mailing. The order of mailing steps is now different, but as you proceed you will still see the same familiar pages. We encourage you to click through the whole process to the end.

Modifications allowed the addition of two California Judicial Proofs of Service – both the 030/050 and 040/050. You still have the option to choose the EDEXIS proof of service or no proof of service as well. The EDEXIS proof of service now has a similar layout for consistent formatting across all of our proof of service templates.

Additional judicial proofs of service for other states are coming soon. Please reach out to us with your comments or requests, and as always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.

209-223-3461 or 866-GET-EDEX



American Express Credit Cards No Longer Accepted by DWC

As of 09/02/2022, the California DWC stopped accepting American Express payments for the $150 lien filing fee. The DWC did not provide advanced notification of this new policy, and did not advertise the change in a DWC Newsline newsletter.

We recognized the problem over Labor Day weekend and were able to confirm the issue with the DWC administration. The DWC has not clarified the reason for the change or why no notification was provided.

We have contacted all affected parties that filed their liens via EDEXOne.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact customer service at 209-223-3461.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


Reduce Your Mailing Costs by 33%

Do you know the true cost of processing mail in your office? Once you calculate time, paper, envelopes, printer consumables, and postage, an average envelope is at least $3.85. Mailing via EDEXIS includes all of those costs for only $2.60 – a 33% savings.

If you already have an EDEXIS account, you already have access to our mailing services. Mailing can be used in conjunction with an electronic EAMS filing or on its own to any destination. Contact us and request a $4.00 credit to try your first mailing. If you send us your logo, we can add that to your account and it will print on your outgoing, daily mail, envelope.

If you don’t have, or need, an EDEXIS full account, Mail Only accounts are available from an online sign up. There is no commitment and you simply pay as you go.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.

209-223-3461 or 866-GET-EDEX




Automated DE-120 and DE-121 Probate Forms

The DE-120 and DE-121 Probate forms have been automated within EDEXIS Mailing Services.

After entering prompted form information from the Universal Templates option, you can add the parties for service and the DE (MA) Proof of Service will be generated with the DE-120 or DE-121. We will then mail your documents and sign the proof of service.

Parties can be added individually or uploaded from a CSV file. If you use Clio or Casefriend, parties can be uploaded directly from these case management systems.

Mailing services include…

  • First Class, Certified, Certified Return Receipt, or Priority.
  • Email Delivery with confirmation of opened email.
  • All mail is trackable to varying degrees – even First Class.
  • Self addressed, stamped envelopes – pre-paid or not.
  • Check inclusion – Coming in late July.
  • Your logo included on all outgoing mail pieces.
  • Archived documents and party service status.
  • Delivery Certification.

You can sign up for a free trial account with no credit card required and no commitment. While our site is very intuitive, we are also happy to give you a guided webinar tour that takes about 10 – 15 minutes once you sign up. Free trial mailings do not include your company logo unless you request that feature first.

Please contact customer support for additional information. We look forward to chatting with you —





EDEXIS Email Delivery with a Proof of Service

EDEXIS now offers delivery by email that includes the following features for .99 cents.

  1. Confirmation of Delivery: When your email is sent to the recipient, the status will be updated when that email is opened and viewed. In the sample below, you can see that three of the parties opened and downloaded their email. However, the fourth party, Julia Burns, refused the Mutual Party Agreement. What is a Mutual Party Agreement, you ask?

2. Automated Mutual Party Agreement: When serving legal documents, the recipient needs to agree to accept service via email from a specific sender. With every party you email, you have a choice to request an Automated Mutual Party Agreement. Once the recipient agrees to service, we then deliver the email. If the recipient refuses the service, we note that as well. If the recipient has already previously agreed to email service from you, you would simply not check the box requesting the Mutual Party Agreement. If a recipient refused delivery, you will receive an email with that notification. You can then go back to the mailing record, select the “Create Duplicate” option and serve that recipient by mail without having to recreate the packet.

3. Proof of Service: Like all of our delivery options, you can choose to include a proof of service with an email. Here is a sample of that proof of service. Once the confirmation of email receipt is received, the signed version of the proof of service is delivered to you via email (if set up) and is included with your archived document.

4. Combined Mailing Types: While the sample above shows four parties being served by email, you can select multiple mailing types. For example, if you are serving ten different parties and want two of them to receive Certified Mail, four to receive First Class, and four of them to be served via email, you can certainly do so. You would need to start the process from the “Daily Mail” option as shown below. If you want to combine email service with aggregated mail, you would need to start from the aggregated option.

5. Personal Note: When requesting delivery by email by EDEXIS, you can also include a personal note to the recipient. They will see this note before they open the email.

6. Email by Sender: There may be some instances where you want to email a document to the recipient yourself with a proof of service. You will also see that option for mailing. The proof of service notes that you are actually emailing the document, not us. There is no charge for this service and it does NOT include the features above.

As always, if you have any questions about these new features, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


support@edexis.com, andrea@edexis.com, julia@edexis.com


New EDEXIS Mailing Interface

COMING NEXT WEEK — We will be introducing our updated mailing interface. You will access it from the Mailing Services tab in EDEXOne, but the flow will be a bit different. If you were previously using the attorneymailings.com site, you will be automatically redirected. Additionally, there will be new features included:

  • Email by EDEXIS. A few months ago we added the ability for YOU to generate a Proof of Service indicating that you were going to send service by email. Now, we also have the choice to have US email the document for you. The Proof of Service reflects this service. When we email a document on your behalf, the interface will note when the recipient has opened the email. Email delivery requires that the recipient agree to being served by that process. If you choose, our interface can now electronically confirm that the recipient accepts electronic service BEFORE we attempt to serve them – $0.99
  • Document Dividers. When a document is assembled for mailing, we can now insert a green separator sheet between each individual document. $1.25
  • Checks. Coming Soon — opt to include a check with a mailing – $1.25

We will still have all of the other services you have come to expect:

  • First Class, Certified, and Priority Mail (with automated status updates in your account)
  • Daily mail service sent out M-F at 1:00. If your mail is submitted before 1:00 it will go out the same day
  • Optional proof of service – FREE
  • Email service by user – FREE
  • Envelope Tagline – FREE
  • Your logo on the envelope – FREE
  • Mailing certification – FREE
  • Automated refund of Certified and Priority Mail if not delivered within 35 days – FREE
  • Return Envelope (with or without postage) – $1.25
  • Single-sided or double-sided printing.
  • Casefriend and Clio integration
  • The same affordable pricing. Aggregated mail starts at .99 up to 8 pages – $0.07 per page after. Daily mail (under 1oz) starts at $2.58

If you would like to schedule an online training of the new mailing interface, please don’t hesitate to let us know. As always, unlimited training is available for your account at no charge.

We appreciate your business and look forward to sharing these improvements.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.





How (and why) to Flatten PDF Forms

When using a PDF FILLABLE form, the user must lock or “flatten” the PDF document after completing the form fields to ensure the document can be viewed on all devices and to prevent other users from manipulating or editing the information. Flattening is also recommended when you add an electronic signature to a PDF document. This adheres the signature to the document so that the signature doesn’t move or accidentally get deleted.

When submitting a document electronically via EDEXOne for mailing or filing, our system will flatten a document for you. However, flattening your document prior to any type of upload will ensure an added level of security and accuracy.

Follow the steps below to flatten a completed form.

  1. Right click on document and select Print or select File and select Print.
  2. Select the PDF PRINTER option.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Specify location to save the flattened version of the form.
  5. Select Save.

FREE! Add Your Logo to Your Mailings

When you mail a document via our EDEX Mailing services, we can include your black and white logo on the outgoing envelope at no charge. Service available for first class, certified, and some aggregate mailing.

Simply email your logo to andrea@edexis.com or Julia@edexis.com and we will add your logo to your account.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




Workcompcentral is Discontinuing their EDEX and Filing Services!

As you probably already know, WorkCompCentral is no longer offering EDEX data and EAMS filing services. EDEX Information Systems, Inc. (EDEXIS) has partnered with WorkCompCentral to ensure a quick, easy, affordable alternative option. This includes:

  • Same day set-up
  • Waiver of monthly charges through January 1, 2023
  • EDEXIS will honor any remaining credits towards EDEXIS transactions that were purchased with WCC (cannot be used towards mailing).
  • Transition of any cases being tracked via WCC at no charge.
  • Monthly invoicing. (We do not provide pre-purchased credits).
  • Unlimited users at no additional cost (users can simultaneously file into EAMS)

MAIL services:

  • Mail any document within the US First Class, Certified, Certified Return Receipt, or Priority mail.
  • All mail submitted before 1:00 goes out the same business day.
  • Aggregated mail is sent on Wednesdays and Fridays at discounted rates.
  • All mail, even first class, is trackable.
  • Status of mail is reported and monitored via our interface.
  • Mailing services available with no contract and immediate sign up with pay as you go. (Billing requires a contract).
  • Your company logo can be printed on the envelopes we mail for you.
  • $4.00 credit available to any new account to try a free mailing.
  • Self addressed, stamped envelopes can be included.
  • Proof of service is optional and can include mail and/or email service.

EDEX services:

  • SSN, ERN, and ADJ Searches
  • SSN, ERN, and ADJ Tracking (Cases tracked include any pre-calendared hearings)
  • Automated calendar with export features
  • Case Party Updates — notices are generated when any party is added, removed, or changes. The changes are highlighted and tracked so that you can quickly identify the change.
  • Batch uploads at discounted pricing
  • Robust reporting features

EAMS services:

  • Filing of EAMS docs including: C&R, Lien, Stip, DOR, Application,Unstructured, and Custom Templates.
  • Mailing of party documents with or without a proof of service.
  • Proof of service legally accommodates email service by client .
  • FileNet connection with an EAMS external user login. This allows you to view and download DWC case documents if you are a party to the case.
  • Archived documents at no charge.
  • Automatic population of most form data.


  • EDEXIS connects, via API, to both Casefriend and Clio
  • Unlimited customer support. No phone trees!!
  • EAMS data clean up

To learn more about EDEXIS, please feel free to visit our Blog and our Website, or give us a call at 866-GET-EDEX or 209-223-3461. You can also email us at andrea@edexis.com, julia@edexis.com, or support@edexis.com.


NEW! Party Service by Email!

and…Is your Proof of Service legal?

When mailing or filing a document through EDEXIS, you can now choose to have us serve some parties via mail while you serve other parties via email. The new Proof of Service will legally accommodate both our mailing AND your email.

For each party you choose or enter, you will see the Email Option at the bottom of the delivery type list as shown below…

The following page will prompt you for the email proof of service information….

While other mailing providers may say that they have this option available, their proof of service may not indicate that YOU are actually doing the emailing. They often group the email service in with the mailing service and then attest that THEY are serving all of the parties — even when YOU are serving the emailed recipients. This creates a very inaccurate proof of service.

Just a reminder that only recipients that have agreed to receive their documents via email from a specific sender can be served via email.

While considering the legality of a proof of service, it is also worth noting that a POS should NOT be signed when it is mailed. Ours are not. AFTER we serve a document on your behalf, we can then attest that the service happened and we update the proof of service in your account to reflect that.

If you would like to learn more, you can visit a few of these sites:

If you have chosen to both mail and email parties, the proof of service will be a two page document. The first page will contain the details for the documents being mailed and the second page will contain the details for the documents being delivered electronically.

If you have any questions about this, or other features, please don’t hesitate to call us at 209-223-3461 or 866-GET-EDEX. You can also email andrea@edexis.com or julia@edexis.com.

Thank you!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


Recovering Lost Work Comp Data and Files

If anything defines the California Workers’ Compensation industry, it is change. Rules, regulations, legislation, EAMS, and a pandemic have all affected California work comp over the years. It is not only difficult to keep track of the changes, but also to keep track of how your data and files are impacted by these changes. Add in employee turnover, internal technology changes, changes in collection companies and hearing reps and you may find that tracking down those elusive work comp files can seem impossible.

While sometimes difficult, it isn’t impossible.

  • Have you lost track of your lien confirmation payment ID’s? Even if you didn’t file your liens through us, we can populate your account with ALL of your previous confirmation ID’s. These ID’s then automatically populate your future DOR filings.
  • Have you hired a collection company in the past and have no idea what they actually filed or didn’t? We can tell you AND usually get you copies of past filings. As a side note, your EDEXIS account allows unlimited users that can file documents simultaneously in EAMS. This will allow you to give multiple collection companies and users access to your account. It also ensures that all of your data is in one cohesive location.
  • As an employer, TPA, or law firm, do you have a current list of all of your work comp cases? If not, we can compile that list for you.

It may seem complicated to have multiple entites utilizing one account. With EDEXIS it is easy:

  • Unlimited users at no extra charge that can all file into EAMS simulteanously.
  • Data identified and presented by unique user login.
  • Reporting that details each users activity and expenses.
  • Unlimited, free training to help you manage your account.

If you need assistance in organizing your work comp filings and data, give us a call. We would be happy to help.




EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


Mailing Security and Integrity

Whether EDEXIS is printing and mailing your party documents for an EAMS electronic filing or mailing general documents with or without a proof of service, we pride ourselves on the security and integrity of that mailing.

Our security measures are often the reason that clients choose our services over other vendors. A few important features include:

  • In House Production: All document printing and mail production is done on-site in our secure corporate facilities. No third-party vendors or outsourced production is used. Every document mailing is printed and handled exclusively by EDEX Information System’s employees until physically delivered to our local U.S. Postal Service facility with which we share a long-term, very professional relationship.
  • Barcode Tracking: All mailings we produce include embedded 2-D tracking barcodes which are computer-scanned at various phases of production and assembly. Missing or damaged documents are reprinted, and every document is tracked from production through final delivery to a U.S. Postal Service facility.
  • Certified Automation and Confirmation: We are Certified for Automation and Confirmation via the USPS automated guidelines. That means that every piece of mail we send is processed via the USPS’s automated processing and tracking technology. This is how we are able to track and confirm our mailing services so efficiently.

We are also happy to announce that EDEX Mailing Services are now integrated with Casefriend and Clio case management systems.

To learn more about our mailing services, or to try a free demo account, please contact customer support.






EDEXIS Mail Services

Dump your po$tage meter and mail remotely for less!

If you are feeling buried by your outgoing mail, or even if you want to improve efficiency and allow your staff to more easily mail out documents both in house and remotely, EDEXIS mailing services can help. Simply upload the document you want to mail, and we take care of the rest.

  • Mail a document to any recipient within the United States
  • Mail a document in conjunction with an electronically filed California work comp EAMS document
  • Ideal for real estate, billing, trust, and family law documents — to name a few.
  • Proof of Service optional with each mailing.
  • Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes can also be included

For those already using our mailing services, mailing a document looks a little different these days. There is now a stand-alone tab in the left hand menu that says, “Mailing Services”.

From Mailing Services you can upload any document (work comp or not) using one of our existing templates or using a FREE personal template. Universal and Personal Templates are documents that automatically populate standard fields. If you are a California work comp professional, documents can be associated with a WCAB case number and will automatically populate the case information (including address records and companion case data) or you can choose to manually enter data for non WCAB mailings. (API integration and/or a linked address book are also options for data population).

Once you have mailed a document, you can monitor that document via the “Manage Filing” button:

Manage Filings allows you to review past documents that are archived indefinitely, review the parties that were chosen for receipt, review the activity log that reports delivery status, recreate the mailing and possibly send to other parties, or generate a Certificate of Mailing that creates a report of receipt status:

On the sample above, you can see that some of the mailings were sent with tracking numbers — Certified Mail or Priority Mail. However, the rest were simply mailed First Class. Even First Class reports the status of delivery. That first listing was actually returned as unclaimed. The last listing reports its delivery in Pomona. While scanning of standard First Class is more limited, it easily proves (at the minimum) that mail was entered into the mail stream and sent. When mail is sent Certified or Priority Mail, the signature receipt is also included with the Certification.

As shown below, we can print your logo with your return address and you can add a “Tag Line” on each individual mailing. These are particularly helpful if you are mailing to prisons and need to indicate “Legal Documents Enclosed” or if you want to highlight a “Personal Mail” item.

If you would like to try our mailing services, you can sign up for an immediate account that bills each of your transactions to your credit card. If you would like mailing services + work comp filing and work comp case tracking and searches, you can choose the full suite of services with a contract.

If you have any additional questions or would like to arrange a demo, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.






A Laundry List of EDEXIS Resources

We thought we would take some time this week to provide some resources and updates that we find particularly helpful when it comes to mailing documents, electronically filing documents in EAMS, and providing answers to your most frequent questions.

FILING: As many of you have likely noticed, the upload page for Unstructured documents has had some improvements. You can now search for document titles by key words vs. looking up titles alphabetically. AND your Universal and Personal Templates are now easier to access.

MAILING: When mailing documents via your EDEXIS account, our standard first class mailing now provides further information about delivery status at no additional cost. We have integrated additional USPS automation that will continue to provide faster, more accurate updates as your mail travels to its destination. We also have a mailing certification report that will be added to your accounts soon and will be capturing Certified Mail signatures for easy viewing.

TRIAL EXHIBITS: We continue to get a lot of questions about submitting trial exhibits to EAMS. It is important to remember that there is no document title called “Trial Exhibit”. Each document you submit needs to have its own document title and be uploaded individually. For example (as shown below), if you were submitting a medical document, you might search the document titles list by “Medical” to see all titles that are available.

BLOG: In addition to our Trial Exhibit blog, our blog page contains past information about Companion Case Liens, Filing Functionality, IBR & SBR, Claim Number Discovery, Address Updates, Mailing Services, Post-Offer Pre-Employment, and DWC Updates.

WALK THRU DOCUMENTS: Another question that we hear often is how to walk through documents at the DWC. The best resource for that information is this DWC Newsline and the included links:

Last, but certainly not least, please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions you may have. We are always happy to help!

Andrea Macon





New: Companion Case Liens

Repetitive work is often frustrating, time consuming, and expensive. Until now, that has certainly been true of filing companion case liens. Because the DWC doesn’t allow the filing of liens on companion cases, each lien had to be filed one at a time.

That is no longer true with EDEXOne. While your liens are still filed individually in the background to accommodate DWC limitations, the EDEXOne interface allows you to submit all of your liens for one injured worker at one time. Our smart automation handles the rest. This includes recognizing that the $150 filing fee is only charged on the first non-exempt lien, but not on the additional liens.

When companion cases are selected with any filing, the address record for each case is automatically included when you choose the parties to serve. This ensures that you are serving everyone necessary at one time. This is a huge cost and time saver.

This feature does only apply to liens that are filed with the same supporting documentation.

If you are still using our older software version and haven’t upgraded to EDEXOne yet, you will not have access to Companion Case Lien Filing. There are many other upgrades that are not available in our older platform as well — this is a great time to upgrade. There’s no additional cost required.

As with all of our services, if you would like a guided tour or additional help when you file your first companion case lien, please don’t hesitate to contact us.




andrea@edexis.com or julia@edexis.com


Get Familiar with Filing Functions for Fun and Flexibility?

Yes, that’s a lame alliteration, but your “Manage Filings” feature has all sorts of very not-lame functionality that is worth familiarizing yourself with. (I do realize that I am probably dating myself by referencing Gumby). Here is a quick guide to get you started:

Once you file or mail a document in EDEXOne you will see the “Manage Filings” drop down menu on the right side of the page:

You will notice that the last option is “Create Duplicate”. This is a new feature that will appear on a document that was mailed (but not filed into EAMS). “Create Duplicate” allows you to resend the same document to the same or different parties without having to upload the document again. You can add an additional document as well. If you need to resend billing documents or any other document, this is a great shortcut. This is also a quick option if you want to send some of your parties Certified Mail, but others first class.

The first option listed is “Documents”. As the image above shows, this is simply where you go to print any past documents that were mailed or filed. Your documents are archived to your account at no additional cost. Simply click on the link and your documents open as a PDF.

Select “Parties” and view everyone that was served a copy of the document WITH any tracking numbers. As the above image indicates for the first recipient, you can see that the Post Office received the document and reported the scan for a first class mail piece. The second party shows the tracking number for a Certified Mail item. By clicking on the tracking number you are taken directly to the USPS tracking page for this mailing.

Select “Activity” and view the filing and mailing log as shown above. This page will also report any filing or delivery errors. Filing error notices are rare, but when they happen customer support is notified for follow-up and in most instances the user will also receive an emailed notification. If the error is relative to a credit card failing for a lien filing, the email notice includes a link to allow a quick refiling with a new credit card addition.

If any of your documents being served on other parties are undeliverable, as shown above, you will also receive a notification.

Although not shown on the graphics above, when you select the “Manage Filings” button on a previously filed lien, you will also see an “Amend Lien” option. While lien amendments cannot be filed electronically to EAMS, they can be mailed to the other parties. The “Amend Lien” option automatically pulls your previous filing and updates it with the information you enter so that you can quickly send the new version to the recipients.

So, I don’t know that I would categorize all these as Fun but I guess they are pretty Flexible. Perhaps even Gumby worthy.

Andrea Macon

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




Independent Bill Review (IBR), Second Bill Review (SBR) and Lien Filing: Flowcharts and Forms

The flowchart below can help you decide between filing for Independent Bill Review (IBR) and/or filing a lien. Additionally, if you need to submit a request for Second Bill Review (SBR), that document can be automatically populated and mailed via your EDEX account from Form Templates:


Tired of Hunting for Claim Numbers? (plus a few other quick tips)

Do you need the insurance claim number for your ADJ case management? There is a quick way to request that number via EDEX.

When you select a mailed document (not filed into EAMS), you have access to numerous template documents as shown below:

The Request for Insurance Claim Number template will allow you to quickly create and mail a letter to the insurance company requesting a claim number.

The letter will direct the recipient to a website that allows the adjuster to enter the claim number. That claim number will then be automatically captured for your receipt.

The insurance company will be directed here to enter the claim information:

A few other quick tips…

  • When filing documents electronically through EDEX do NOT include Cover Sheets and Separator Sheets. We see this frequently when filers are submitting trial exhibits.
  • Unlimited training is available with every EDEX account. If you would like to arrange an online training, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
  • When a Casewatch is filed in EDEX, it automatically generates FUTURE hearing notices but also future event notices and case party updates. A case party update lets you know when any party on the address record has been updated, added, or removed.
  • It is possible to track an injured worker’s social security number and/or ERN number. Future cases that open for that injured worker will automatically trigger a notice to your account.
  • If you filed past liens outside of our system, we can request a list of all of your past $150 lien filing confirmation numbers, and populate your account with those numbers. Any DOR filed with us will then automatically include that confirmation number.

Let us know how we can help you!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




Cleaning House in EAMS

We’ve all heard, “garbage in – garbage out” and it is certainly applicable to work comp data! One data element that can easily be cleaned up in EAMS is your address. However there is more to understanding this process than meets the eye.

Most work comp participants are familiar with the UAN (Uniform Assigned Name) that is defined and assigned by the DWC. For example, here are a few UAN’s assigned to SCIF:

If SCIF wanted to change their address for their Bakersfield office, they would very likely simply request that update for their UAN address. The problem is, SCIF, and almost all other work comp case parties, have multiple other addresses for that same entity that also need to be updated, or at least reviewed. Small doctor’s offices and law offices might only have 10 or 20 other listings, while larger offices might have several hundred.

Why do parties have all these different listings?

Each separate listing can be considered a folder. In each folder is at least one case, sometimes 20, sometimes hundreds. When an ADJ case is opened and a party is listed on that case, HOW they are listed can trigger a new FOLDER that contains that ADJ number. Ideally, all entities are listed with their UAN which avoids triggering new folders opening and puts all of their cases in one folder together. However, if a party is listed with a different naming convention, say with an extra space, or a different address, or “Lane” instead of “Ln” a new folder will open and create a new listing that may need its address updated in the future. While UAN’s have fixed much of this problem with current filings, old filings were not restricted by UAN’s.

If one of the myriad, non-UAN, addresses isn’t updated, any cases associated with that folder will have the wrong address listed on the party record. When other parties mail documents to that address for service, those documents may not be delivered.

Additionally, if you are an eFiler and have an EAMS account, you will ideally want to be able to view EVERY case where you are a party. If one of those cases happens to be under a different address and/or name variation it may not be connected to your EAMS account.

We can fix this for you as part of our address update services and EAMS case linking follow-up. There is no charge for this service. We simply provide it to ensure that the DWC’s data, and thus, our data, is as accurate as possible. If you would like to take advantage of a data review, please email a request to andrea@edexis.com. In your email, include:

  • Your current physical address
  • Your current mailing address
  • Any names and aliases. For example, a law firm name with the individual attorney names or a doctor’s name with the practice name. Ideally, a middle initial should be included for any individuals.
  • Contact information for your EAMS Administrator if applicable.
  • If you know you need an address update, you can simply submit the request found here: https://edexis.com/addresschange.htm

Lastly, you may also want to mail the change of address notices to the parties on each WCAB case that you are involved with. We can do this for you with a batch mailing.

For a clean sweep or any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

andrea@edexis.com or 209-223-3461


The Hard Way or the EDEX Way:

Notices of Representation & Substitutions of Attorney

When you look up the EAMS directions for filing a Notice of Representation or Substitution of Attorney, you will find SEVEN pages of instruction.

When you want to file these documents via EDEX, much of that process is automated.

  • Send us your NOR or Substitution document to be built into your account as an automatically populated template.
  • Decide if you want us to batch file your documents from a spreadsheet of cases or if you want to file them into EAMS one at a time via the interface.
  • Regardless if your documents are filed via a batch or individually, we can serve the other parties for you.
  • Wait at least ten days and then request our automated confirmation report. The report is automatically formatted to meet the seven pages of EAMS directions and will list any ADJ’s that have not been updated yet. This report can then easily be forwarded per DWC requirements.

For more information call 209-223-3461 or email Andrea@edexis.com


10% of Job Applicants Have Past, Litigated Work Comp Injuries

If you are an employer, your hiring process can include a background search of an applicant’s past, litigated work comp injuries. While the average demographic of these injuries is 10%, some industries are much higher.

Additionally, EDEX provides automated alerts when a new case opens for an employee and the ability to track that case for future hearings, events, and party updates. This is time saving data for your risk management department.

To learn more about using EDEX data for human resources and risk management, please click below to read our white paper and see a sample search.


What did you mail last week?

I mailed:

  • a few collection letters via Certified Return Receipt with a Proof of Service,
  • a few address update reminders via First Class mail,
  • a bunch of invoices via First Class Mail with a self-addressed, stamped envelope included.


Did you have to go to the post office?

I didn’t. I also didn’t have to…

  • wait in line,
  • leave my home office,
  • print my documents,
  • stuff the documents in envelopes,
  • or apply postage.


EDEX did all of this for me, plus…

  • automatically included a proof of service,
  • included a self-addressed, stamped envelope at my request,
  • printed a tagline on the outside of my envelope to catch the recipient’s attention,
  • printed my logo on the outside of the envelope,
  • then they archived my document for easy future access.


EDEX doesn’t just do this for me because I work for them, they can do this for you too. Simply upload your document via EDEXOne and EDEX will mail that document for you anywhere in the United States.

If you already have an account, you already have access to this feature. If you don’t have an account, you can get a pay-as-you-go mailing only account or a full suite of EDEX services.


EDEX Frosting

A few of the good things that make EDEX even better — Now including automated Second Bill Review!

There’s the cake of EDEX — things like electronic filing, party delivery, and case tracking — and then there’s the frosting. These are the EDEX add-ons that are great shortcuts and time savers. And what’s a cake without frosting??

  • Automated Second Bill Review: See the directions to automatically create a Second Bill Review.
  • FileNet: View all of the EAMS documents for any case in your EDEXOne account.
  • Reports: We have a long list of reports available on demand. An easy way to receive a summary of your filing, your lien filing fee payments, and your hearings or events to name a few. Reports can also be automated for pre-defined delivery times via email.
  • NOR Report: If you file your Notice of Representation through EDEXOne, an NOR report will track the follow-up at the DWC. If they have not added a representative after ten days, the NOR report can be forwarded to the DWC for follow-up. No need to check cases daily to ensure a rep is added.
  • Payment Online: Your accounting department can pay online with their own login.
  • Address Book: From an Excel spreadsheet, we can store mailing addresses that you commonly use.
  • Clio: Are you an attorney using Clio case management software? If so, our EDEXOne application now integrates with Clio!
  • Signature Capture: Add a signature to each account to automatically populate appropriate forms. Simply request a signature capture form and we will send you an email.

And….something fantastic that we are whipping up in the programming kitchen —

  • Automated management of the hearing notices and emails that you receive from the DWC. If you are currently receiving these documents via the mail, we can convert these to email and automate this process for you. No more opening envelopes, reading documents, and comparing that information to your calendar or file data. If you are currently receiving this information via email, you are one step ahead and can get started even sooner. There is a little bit of set-up involved in this process so I would encourage you to call us now if you are interested.

How To: Second Bill Review

After selecting CREATE FILING you will need to select the appropriate form type. If an ADJ case number already exists, select MAIL ONLY CASE RELATED PARTIES as shown below. If no ADJ exists, select MAIL ONLY NON CASE RELATED. The first option will automatically populate all existing case data.

At the ATTACH DOCUMENTS page, choose FORM TEMPLATE and then SECOND BILL REVIEW. Follow the prompts, select the party for service and submit!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will happily guide you through a mailing and/or filing.

