Work Smarter (and faster)!

Many aspects of our jobs can be repetitive tasks – doing the same thing – over, and over, and over again.  The positive side of repetitive activity is that these tasks are usually the easiest to automate.   Managing your California, litigated work comp data is no different.   Are you doing any of these repetitive tasks? — Searching for …

What did you mail last week?

I mailed: a few collection letters via Certified Return Receipt with a Proof of Service, a few address update reminders via First Class mail, a bunch of invoices via First Class Mail with a self-addressed, stamped envelope included. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Did you have to go to the post office? I didn’t. I also didn’t have to… …

DWC Mandated Electronic Filing

Per the DWC’s May 28, 2020 Newsline, the “DWC will not accept walk-in filings, walk-through documents, or in-person requests at this time. DWC will only accept electronic filing via EAMS and JET File, and paper filing by U.S. mail.” Now that the DWC is requiring that most documents be filed electronically into EAMS, there has …

EDEX Frosting

A few of the good things that make EDEX even better — Now including automated Second Bill Review! There’s the cake of EDEX — things like electronic filing, party delivery, and case tracking — and then there’s the frosting. These are the EDEX add-ons that are great shortcuts and time savers. And what’s a cake …