A few of the good things that make EDEX even better — Now including automated Second Bill Review!

There’s the cake of EDEX — things like electronic filing, party delivery, and case tracking — and then there’s the frosting. These are the EDEX add-ons that are great shortcuts and time savers. And what’s a cake without frosting??

  • Automated Second Bill Review: See the directions to automatically create a Second Bill Review.
  • FileNet: View all of the EAMS documents for any case in your EDEXOne account.
  • Reports: We have a long list of reports available on demand. An easy way to receive a summary of your filing, your lien filing fee payments, and your hearings or events to name a few. Reports can also be automated for pre-defined delivery times via email.
  • NOR Report: If you file your Notice of Representation through EDEXOne, an NOR report will track the follow-up at the DWC. If they have not added a representative after ten days, the NOR report can be forwarded to the DWC for follow-up. No need to check cases daily to ensure a rep is added.
  • Payment Online: Your accounting department can pay online with their own login.
  • Address Book: From an Excel spreadsheet, we can store mailing addresses that you commonly use.
  • Clio: Are you an attorney using Clio case management software? If so, our EDEXOne application now integrates with Clio!
  • Signature Capture: Add a signature to each account to automatically populate appropriate forms. Simply request a signature capture form and we will send you an email.

And….something fantastic that we are whipping up in the programming kitchen —

  • Automated management of the hearing notices and emails that you receive from the DWC. If you are currently receiving these documents via the mail, we can convert these to email and automate this process for you. No more opening envelopes, reading documents, and comparing that information to your calendar or file data. If you are currently receiving this information via email, you are one step ahead and can get started even sooner. There is a little bit of set-up involved in this process so I would encourage you to call us now if you are interested.

How To: Second Bill Review

After selecting CREATE FILING you will need to select the appropriate form type. If an ADJ case number already exists, select MAIL ONLY CASE RELATED PARTIES as shown below. If no ADJ exists, select MAIL ONLY NON CASE RELATED. The first option will automatically populate all existing case data.

At the ATTACH DOCUMENTS page, choose FORM TEMPLATE and then SECOND BILL REVIEW. Follow the prompts, select the party for service and submit!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will happily guide you through a mailing and/or filing.



Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist