Many aspects of our jobs can be repetitive tasks – doing the same thing – over, and over, and over again.  The positive side of repetitive activity is that these tasks are usually the easiest to automate.  

Managing your California, litigated work comp data is no different.  

Are you doing any of these repetitive tasks?

  • Searching for ADJ case numbers by manually entering injured worker names, date of birth, or social security numbers?
  • Checking ADJ cases for upcoming hearing notices or past activity to recognize closing orders?
  • Re-checking for ADJ cases that you are waiting to open?
  • Filing Notices of Representation one at a time? Looking those cases up individually to confirm that you have been added to the case?
  • Filing Lien Withdrawals, Changes of Address, DOR’s, 4903.8(d) declarations one at a time?
  • Populating forms with ADJ case data over and over again?

All of these transactions, and others, can be done via automation and batch processing – usually from data exported from your case management system or from DWC data.

Call our customer support staff at 209-223-3461 and let us help streamline your workflow and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist