Do you need the insurance claim number for your ADJ case management? There is a quick way to request that number via EDEX.

When you select a mailed document (not filed into EAMS), you have access to numerous template documents as shown below:

The Request for Insurance Claim Number template will allow you to quickly create and mail a letter to the insurance company requesting a claim number.

The letter will direct the recipient to a website that allows the adjuster to enter the claim number. That claim number will then be automatically captured for your receipt.

The insurance company will be directed here to enter the claim information:

A few other quick tips…

  • When filing documents electronically through EDEX do NOT include Cover Sheets and Separator Sheets. We see this frequently when filers are submitting trial exhibits.
  • Unlimited training is available with every EDEX account. If you would like to arrange an online training, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
  • When a Casewatch is filed in EDEX, it automatically generates FUTURE hearing notices but also future event notices and case party updates. A case party update lets you know when any party on the address record has been updated, added, or removed.
  • It is possible to track an injured worker’s social security number and/or ERN number. Future cases that open for that injured worker will automatically trigger a notice to your account.
  • If you filed past liens outside of our system, we can request a list of all of your past $150 lien filing confirmation numbers, and populate your account with those numbers. Any DOR filed with us will then automatically include that confirmation number.

Let us know how we can help you!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist