• Priority Mail with Certified Mail: Priority Mail now has the option to add Certified. We find that Certified mail is significantly more reliable within when paired with Priority Mail.
  • Additional Administrator Functionality: Users that have administrative account access can update their credit cards and fully manage/add their account users. Please call customer support to identify your administrator if you haven’t already done so.
  • Check Inclusion: If you would like to include a check with a mailing, please go to the MY ACCOUNT option and submit a check authorization form.
  • Automated DWC Workers’ Compensation Trial Exhibit List: If FileNet is active in your EDEXOne account, you can now take advantage of our automated Trial Exhibit List.
  • EAMS (California Work Comp) Access: If you have a DWC assigned EAMS login, you can link EDEXOne FileNet and view documents in EAMS if you are a party. If you don’t have EAMS access, it is now MUCH easier to set up. The 5-hour webinar is no longer required. Now, you simply read through some documentation, take a 15 minute online test, and submit your application. If you pass the test, they email you your login. If you need assistance with this, please contact our office. While EDEXOne is the easier option for filing, we do still recommend an EAMS login as well. The ability to view documents in the case file is incredibly helpful.
  • Instruction Manuals for both filing and mailing are now available under the MY ACCOUNT feature.


  • Automation of the QME Form 106 Panel Request: While this form can be filled out online, we will also be adding a version to our site that allows you to mostly auto-populate this form AND schedule when you want to submit this form to the DWC Medical Unit. Scheduling a 5:00/15th Day submission may help you improve your QME panel results. Once we roll this product out, it will only be available to our existing customers as a BETA product for several months of testing.
  • Automated Proof of Service Follow-Up: When you mail a document, the legally compliant proof of service is NOT signed. After the mailing happens, we sign a proof of service and submit that to your account. There are many instances when the court, or another party, needs a copy of the SIGNED proof of service. We will be automating the ability to send/file the SIGNED proof of service after it is generated.


  • Postal Rate Increase: The USPS will be raising their rates next weekend. A stamp is now sixty-six cents. While you will see that increase in EDEX Daily Mail, Aggregated mail is still $1.25.
  • Certified Mail: Historically, Certified Mail was handled outside the automation process at the post office. Recently that has changed and Certified Mail is now sorted and tracked with standard First Class. That has resulted in an increase in Certified Mail not triggering a final capture of delivery. We have improved our labelling to make Certified Mail more visible when stacked with First Class mail.
  • Certified Mail Refunds: When a document is sent via Certified Mail with EDEXOne, we track that item. If it hasn’t been delivered within thirty days, we submit a refund request and then send your office a check that includes that refund.

If you need assistance with any of the features above, please don’t hesitate to contact customer support.

Thank you,



Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist