If you are filing your California Division of Work Comp documents directly via EAMS, how often —

  • do your documents end up in the UDQ (Unprocessed Document Queue)?
  • does your document fail entirely and you must resubmit it from the beginning?

How much time are you spending resolving filing errors?

Imagine –

  • built in filing validations that fix those errors before a document is ever submitted.
  • the ability to fix an existing document and resubmit that document WITHOUT starting over.
  • having a support team that monitors your filings and often recognizes (and fixes) the rare document error for you.

You don’t have to imagine those features. They are part of EDEXIS filing.

The following common industry errors are just a few that can be managed or entirely avoided with little effort –

  • INJURED WORKER DATA DOES NOT MATCH EAMS: EAMS requires an exact match for the injured worker’s last name, date of birth, and SSN, but names are easily misspelled, and DOB’s contain typos.  EDEXIS pulls injured worker names from EAMS so that data will always match, but DOB is a different story.  If you submit a document with an incorrect DOB and the document fails, we can simply update that data field and resubmit your document for you.
  • MULTIPLE INJURED WORKERS FOR NAME + DOB + SSN: In instances where multiple cases exist for an injured worker but the names, DOBs or SSN’s are different, EDEXIS can intercede on your behalf and work with the DWC to correct the errors.
  • VENUE ERRORS: If a venue error occurs due to a missing or incorrect venue, we can simply change the venue on your submission and resubmit that document.
  • FAILED CREDIT CARD ON A LIEN FILING: If the $150 lien filing fee payment fails, our users receive a notice via email with a link that allows them to add a new card and resubmit the lien.
  • UAN ERRORS: If a filing contains an incorrect UAN, we can simply update the document to the correct UAN and resubmit the form. UAN’s are automated in our system so this is very rare and typically only happens when a filing happens as a UAN is being changed at the DWC.
  • DOR – HEARINGS ALREADY ON CALENDAR: When filing a DOR through EDEXIS we automatically stop your DOR if a hearing is already on file for that case. 
  • DWC CHANGES: Occasionally, the DWC will make a programming change without notifying filers.  The most recent example of this was when they stopped accepting American Express cards for lien filing fees.  Because we monitor filings so closely, we can quickly recognize these issues, and both share that information and fix those filings.

When you pair our error monitoring with our other filing efficiencies, you can image how much less time you spend filing through EDEXIS:

  • Unlimited simultaneous users that can file at the same time.
  • Automated mailed and emailed service to the other parties with a proof of service.
  • Automatically populated form data including all existing ADJ data.
  • Archived and updated forms and filing status including filing ID capture.
  • Automated Trial Exhibit Lists, and the ability to include a check and/or SASE with any mailing.
  • Automated NOR follow-up.

To learn more, please contact customer support at support@edexis.com or sign up online:

Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist