EDEXIS now offers delivery by email that includes the following features for .99 cents.

  1. Confirmation of Delivery: When your email is sent to the recipient, the status will be updated when that email is opened and viewed. In the sample below, you can see that three of the parties opened and downloaded their email. However, the fourth party, Julia Burns, refused the Mutual Party Agreement. What is a Mutual Party Agreement, you ask?

2. Automated Mutual Party Agreement: When serving legal documents, the recipient needs to agree to accept service via email from a specific sender. With every party you email, you have a choice to request an Automated Mutual Party Agreement. Once the recipient agrees to service, we then deliver the email. If the recipient refuses the service, we note that as well. If the recipient has already previously agreed to email service from you, you would simply not check the box requesting the Mutual Party Agreement. If a recipient refused delivery, you will receive an email with that notification. You can then go back to the mailing record, select the “Create Duplicate” option and serve that recipient by mail without having to recreate the packet.

3. Proof of Service: Like all of our delivery options, you can choose to include a proof of service with an email. Here is a sample of that proof of service. Once the confirmation of email receipt is received, the signed version of the proof of service is delivered to you via email (if set up) and is included with your archived document.

4. Combined Mailing Types: While the sample above shows four parties being served by email, you can select multiple mailing types. For example, if you are serving ten different parties and want two of them to receive Certified Mail, four to receive First Class, and four of them to be served via email, you can certainly do so. You would need to start the process from the “Daily Mail” option as shown below. If you want to combine email service with aggregated mail, you would need to start from the aggregated option.

5. Personal Note: When requesting delivery by email by EDEXIS, you can also include a personal note to the recipient. They will see this note before they open the email.

6. Email by Sender: There may be some instances where you want to email a document to the recipient yourself with a proof of service. You will also see that option for mailing. The proof of service notes that you are actually emailing the document, not us. There is no charge for this service and it does NOT include the features above.

As always, if you have any questions about these new features, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


support@edexis.com, andrea@edexis.com, julia@edexis.com

Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist