EDEXIS filers are already spoiled with auto-population and streamlined form filing – but there’s always room for improvement.

Your EDEXIS programmers are hard at work every day to improve and enhance EDEXIS filing. The Default Settingsnow include a few additional fields that no longer need to be typed for every filing. Take a couple minutes to review your account default settings so that filing will be even easier and faster for all your filers.

Defaults aren’t the only improvement to filing. Recently, we noticed that many of your calls for help resulted from the same lien fling error. The #1 reason your lien doesn’t submit for processing on the first attempt? …. SPEED! EDEXIS filers are so fast, that occasionally the lien’s itemized summary is attached with the WRONG document title!

To prevent this error in the future you’ll now see the drop-down field for the Document Group and Document Title now say “Select one…” until you open the list and make your selection. The “4903.8 (a)(b) Assignment” will no longer be automatically selected just because it’s first in the list of document titles, alphabetically. You must select the Document Title intentionally.

Your EDEXIS Support Team is happy to bring you SEAMLESS enhancements and updates for a smooth and simple user experience. Please let us know if you have great ideas for future updates. You can reach us by phone, email, or through our website at the contacts below.

(866) get-edex toll-free

Published by Julia Burns

Sr. Account Manager