Notices of Representation & Substitutions of Attorney

When you look up the EAMS directions for filing a Notice of Representation or Substitution of Attorney, you will find SEVEN pages of instruction.

When you want to file these documents via EDEX, much of that process is automated.

  • Send us your NOR or Substitution document to be built into your account as an automatically populated template.
  • Decide if you want us to batch file your documents from a spreadsheet of cases or if you want to file them into EAMS one at a time via the interface.
  • Regardless if your documents are filed via a batch or individually, we can serve the other parties for you.
  • Wait at least ten days and then request our automated confirmation report. The report is automatically formatted to meet the seven pages of EAMS directions and will list any ADJ’s that have not been updated yet. This report can then easily be forwarded per DWC requirements.

For more information call 209-223-3461 or email

Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist