Having trouble reaching our office by phone? Hopefully Amador and Calaveras counties aren’t on fire. Again.

It’s wildfire season again in California, and our thoughts are with our clients who may be currently affected by the remarkably active fire season this year. The Soberanes fire, at a whopping 105,705 acres down south, and the Willard Fire, already at 2,500 acres, are both raging with little relief in sight.

One year ago, Amador and Calaveras counties were ablaze in what became known as the Butte Fire. Beginning September 9, 2015 the small fire grew at astonishing rates the first day to over 14,500 acres, then doubled to 32,000 overnight and eventually consumed 70,868 acres and 921 structures. 549 homes, 368 outbuildings and 4 commercial properties were lost.

When the evacuations began we became neighbors with many, many evacuated animals who found shelter at Laughton Ranch, a #TeamEDEXIS superstar located just a block from our main office.

Laughton Ranch coordinated hundreds of animal rescues, volunteers, and donations via cell phones and Facebook. When they needed wi-fi in the barn our own Steve King jumped to the rescue of the animal rescuers, helping a crew of volunteers dig a ditch from the house to the barn in about 23.5 seconds (fastest ditch diggers in the West!) and installing a wi-fi router in the barn to ensure communications kept flowing timely.

In the beautiful foothills we do occasionally lose phone service. Sometimes it’s a fire, sometimes an extended city-wide power outage, but we do have an answering service on stand-by so you can still talk to a live body. Please don’t hesitate to email us directly because, thanks to smart phones and tablets, we’ll still have access to email.

As always, if you have any questions or need assistance in any way please call us toll-free at (866) 438-3339 and our customer support team will be happy to help.

Published by Julia Burns

Sr. Account Manager