Our pre-release, beta version of our EDEXOne dashboard is now available.

This new dashboard consolidates all recent orders, and provides an order search screen with simple options to find your previous activity. New quick alert icons display counts of your unsubmitted and in-process orders, filing errors, and new DocBox records.

A variety of sorting and filtering criteria are also available to help locate specific orders. Click on any row to view order details and view order activity logs. You can also see documents, delivery recipients, and tracking information.

To review the new dashboard, select the “Try the EdexOne Dashboard beta” when logging in.

This dashboard is still in development, and you may encounter occasional errors and oddities. You may switch back to our current production site by turning off the dasboard preview option in the top menu bar. If you encounter any issues or wish to provide feedback about the new dashboard, please let us know by sending an email to support@edexis.com.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist