As you probably already know, WorkCompCentral is no longer offering EDEX data and EAMS filing services. EDEX Information Systems, Inc. (EDEXIS) has partnered with WorkCompCentral to ensure a quick, easy, affordable alternative option. This includes:

  • Same day set-up
  • Waiver of monthly charges through January 1, 2023
  • EDEXIS will honor any remaining credits towards EDEXIS transactions that were purchased with WCC (cannot be used towards mailing).
  • Transition of any cases being tracked via WCC at no charge.
  • Monthly invoicing. (We do not provide pre-purchased credits).
  • Unlimited users at no additional cost (users can simultaneously file into EAMS)

MAIL services:

  • Mail any document within the US First Class, Certified, Certified Return Receipt, or Priority mail.
  • All mail submitted before 1:00 goes out the same business day.
  • Aggregated mail is sent on Wednesdays and Fridays at discounted rates.
  • All mail, even first class, is trackable.
  • Status of mail is reported and monitored via our interface.
  • Mailing services available with no contract and immediate sign up with pay as you go. (Billing requires a contract).
  • Your company logo can be printed on the envelopes we mail for you.
  • $4.00 credit available to any new account to try a free mailing.
  • Self addressed, stamped envelopes can be included.
  • Proof of service is optional and can include mail and/or email service.

EDEX services:

  • SSN, ERN, and ADJ Searches
  • SSN, ERN, and ADJ Tracking (Cases tracked include any pre-calendared hearings)
  • Automated calendar with export features
  • Case Party Updates — notices are generated when any party is added, removed, or changes. The changes are highlighted and tracked so that you can quickly identify the change.
  • Batch uploads at discounted pricing
  • Robust reporting features

EAMS services:

  • Filing of EAMS docs including: C&R, Lien, Stip, DOR, Application,Unstructured, and Custom Templates.
  • Mailing of party documents with or without a proof of service.
  • Proof of service legally accommodates email service by client .
  • FileNet connection with an EAMS external user login. This allows you to view and download DWC case documents if you are a party to the case.
  • Archived documents at no charge.
  • Automatic population of most form data.


  • EDEXIS connects, via API, to both Casefriend and Clio
  • Unlimited customer support. No phone trees!!
  • EAMS data clean up

To learn more about EDEXIS, please feel free to visit our Blog and our Website, or give us a call at 866-GET-EDEX or 209-223-3461. You can also email us at,, or

Published by Andrea Macon

Data Specialist