#TeamEDEXIS. Supporting Those Who Share Our Values

We promote success by recognizing people and organizations that share our company values. The family, the environment, animal rescue and feeding the hungry. That’s what we’re all about.Many companies treat employees like numbers. I know some of my former employers did. Perhaps you’ve felt like a number in the past or, even worse, you’re treated …

SB 1160: A Few Rotten Apples in Workers Comp

One rotten apple always ruins the bunch, so changes are on the horizon again for the California workers’ comp system. Senate Bill 1160 is moving forward and will be in Governor Jerry Brown’s hands for his signature very soon. When signed, California is hoping to weed out potentially fraudulent liens. In the Department of Industrial Relations August …

Remembering the Butte Fire, One Year Later

Having trouble reaching our office by phone? Hopefully Amador and Calaveras counties aren’t on fire. Again. It’s wildfire season again in California, and our thoughts are with our clients who may be currently affected by the remarkably active fire season this year. The Soberanes fire, at a whopping 105,705 acres down south, and the Willard …