EDEXIS Mail or DocuCents Mail?

Two commonly used, California-based, mail services are EDEXIS and DocuCents, but did you know that we started out as one company – DWC Direct. The original program only catered to California, litigated work comp mailings and were typically used in conjunction with electronic filing for the DWC’s case management system, EAMS. This led to aggregated mail with a proof of service. Aggregated mail combines all mail going to one destination in one envelope, thus providing significant savings to the sender.

Eventually, separate visions resulted in two products – EDEXIS Mailing and DocuCents Mailing. While DocuCents continued to offer only the original aggregated mail services, EDEXIS also expanded to offer Daily Mail with or without a proof of service with options for Certified, Priority, Return Receipt, check inclusion and many other add-ons. This has allowed us to work with anyone needing mailing services, not just those in California work comp. Additionally, many East Coast companies now use EDEXIS to take advantage of the time difference while many international companies utilize our services for a US mailing option.

While not all our users are in the legal field, expanding our services to a wider legal community required that our proofs of service meet ALL legal industry requirements. This means that the proof of service we mail with your documents is NOT signed in order to be legally compliant. AFTER we send your document, we then provide you with a signed proof of service.

If you would like to learn more about our mailing services and/or our EAMS filing and case tracking and discovery services, please contact customer support. A no-obligation, pay-as-you-go mailing account can also be opened online with a $4.00 free trial for your first mailing.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



Happy Summer!

All of us at EDEXIS hope you and yours are enjoying a lovely Summer.

We know that many of you, and a few of us, have kids that are either already back in school or getting ready to return. As our work schedules shift to accommodate the school year, many of our users appreciate the ability to login to EDEXIS twenty-four hours a day to either send mail or file a document electronically into EAMS. If you are working from another time zone, or even another country, we are here anytime.

If you find yourself with a few extra minutes, you may want to browse our blog to learn about other time management tools:

  • Automated Trial Exhibit Lists
  • Automated signed proofs of service electronically filed after a mailing
  • Unlimited, simultaneous user access
  • Check inclusion

Live customer support is available 8:30 to 5:00 Monday through Friday Pacific time and 8:30 to 4:00 on Friday.

Happy Summer!




Proof of Service Follow-up that is Almost Like Magic

When mailing a document that is related to a California WCAB case number (but not electronically filed), you may need to follow-up by electronically filing JUST the proof of service into EAMS – for example, when mailing the minutes of hearing. That process has now been automated. As you can see in the image below, you can indicate that you want the signed proof of service electronically filed into EAMS.

We would like to expand on this service for all mailings. Where else might you want a signed proof of service sent after mailing? Civil Courts? Individually entered recipients? Let us know what would help you most!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.




New (and coming soon) EDEXIS Features!


  • Priority Mail with Certified Mail: Priority Mail now has the option to add Certified. We find that Certified mail is significantly more reliable within when paired with Priority Mail.
  • Additional Administrator Functionality: Users that have administrative account access can update their credit cards and fully manage/add their account users. Please call customer support to identify your administrator if you haven’t already done so.
  • Check Inclusion: If you would like to include a check with a mailing, please go to the MY ACCOUNT option and submit a check authorization form.
  • Automated DWC Workers’ Compensation Trial Exhibit List: If FileNet is active in your EDEXOne account, you can now take advantage of our automated Trial Exhibit List.
  • EAMS (California Work Comp) Access: If you have a DWC assigned EAMS login, you can link EDEXOne FileNet and view documents in EAMS if you are a party. If you don’t have EAMS access, it is now MUCH easier to set up. The 5-hour webinar is no longer required. Now, you simply read through some documentation, take a 15 minute online test, and submit your application. If you pass the test, they email you your login. If you need assistance with this, please contact our office. While EDEXOne is the easier option for filing, we do still recommend an EAMS login as well. The ability to view documents in the case file is incredibly helpful.
  • Instruction Manuals for both filing and mailing are now available under the MY ACCOUNT feature.


  • Automation of the QME Form 106 Panel Request: While this form can be filled out online, we will also be adding a version to our site that allows you to mostly auto-populate this form AND schedule when you want to submit this form to the DWC Medical Unit. Scheduling a 5:00/15th Day submission may help you improve your QME panel results. Once we roll this product out, it will only be available to our existing customers as a BETA product for several months of testing.
  • Automated Proof of Service Follow-Up: When you mail a document, the legally compliant proof of service is NOT signed. After the mailing happens, we sign a proof of service and submit that to your account. There are many instances when the court, or another party, needs a copy of the SIGNED proof of service. We will be automating the ability to send/file the SIGNED proof of service after it is generated.


  • Postal Rate Increase: The USPS will be raising their rates next weekend. A stamp is now sixty-six cents. While you will see that increase in EDEX Daily Mail, Aggregated mail is still $1.25.
  • Certified Mail: Historically, Certified Mail was handled outside the automation process at the post office. Recently that has changed and Certified Mail is now sorted and tracked with standard First Class. That has resulted in an increase in Certified Mail not triggering a final capture of delivery. We have improved our labelling to make Certified Mail more visible when stacked with First Class mail.
  • Certified Mail Refunds: When a document is sent via Certified Mail with EDEXOne, we track that item. If it hasn’t been delivered within thirty days, we submit a refund request and then send your office a check that includes that refund.

If you need assistance with any of the features above, please don’t hesitate to contact customer support.

Thank you,




Automated Trial Exhibit List

Uploading Trial Exhibits and the required Trial Exhibit List into EAMS can be time consuming. One part of that process is now easier than ever as we have automated the Trial Exhibit List.

If you have an EAMS login and that login is built into your EDEX account’s FileNet tab, the Unstructured Universal Template form titled “Trial Exhibit List” will automatically generate using the document titles, authors, dates, and EAMS Doc ID that you choose from the case document list. You do have to be a party to the case in order to access the document checklist.


Just a reminder that there is no EAMS document titled “Trial Exhibit”. When uploading your documents, you title them with the most appropriate available title, the author, and the date the document was created. Those documents are not actually a Trial Exhibit until the judge approves them. Additionally, avoid uploading a document that has already been uploaded by either you or another party. You can include another party’s uploaded document on your Trial Exhibit List.


If you DON’T have an EAMS Login it is now easier than ever to set that up. There is an online webinar that you watch, followed by a twenty question quiz. If you pass the quiz, the DWC will provide you with a login. Contact our customer support team and we will be happy to help you get started.

When you are filing or mailing a document, don’t forget to look at the Universal Templates tab for other automated forms such as:

  • Change of Address
  • Notice of Additional Documents
  • Notice of Hearing
  • Notice of Phone Availability
  • Notice of Representation (several versions) (includes automated follow-up reports)
  • Petition for Change of Judge (lien claimant)
  • Petition to Resolve Med-Legal Dispute (Non-IBR)
  • Post Settlement Demand Letter
  • Probate CA DE120 and DE121
  • Proposed Order/Award (lien claimant)
  • Request for Continuance
  • Request for Insurance Claim Number (includes automated response functionality)
  • Request for Order Taken Off Calendar
  • Request for Withdrawal of Lien
  • Second Bill Review
  • Trial Exhibit List (EAMS – Requires FileNet Login)
  • Withdrawal of Petition for Cost (several versions)

You will also see a Personal Templates button where you may find forms specific to your office if you have requested that those be added.

Other news —

Another recent addition can be found under the MY ACCOUNT tab. We have added several instruction manuals for both filing and mailing that allow you to take a quick refresher and jump to individual topics for quick guidance. However, as always, your account still comes with unlimited training that includes personal webinars that can be scheduled as needed.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.





Avoiding the Dreaded Unprocessed Document Queue

If you are filing your California Division of Work Comp documents directly via EAMS, how often —

  • do your documents end up in the UDQ (Unprocessed Document Queue)?
  • does your document fail entirely and you must resubmit it from the beginning?

How much time are you spending resolving filing errors?

Imagine –

  • built in filing validations that fix those errors before a document is ever submitted.
  • the ability to fix an existing document and resubmit that document WITHOUT starting over.
  • having a support team that monitors your filings and often recognizes (and fixes) the rare document error for you.

You don’t have to imagine those features. They are part of EDEXIS filing.

The following common industry errors are just a few that can be managed or entirely avoided with little effort –

  • INJURED WORKER DATA DOES NOT MATCH EAMS: EAMS requires an exact match for the injured worker’s last name, date of birth, and SSN, but names are easily misspelled, and DOB’s contain typos.  EDEXIS pulls injured worker names from EAMS so that data will always match, but DOB is a different story.  If you submit a document with an incorrect DOB and the document fails, we can simply update that data field and resubmit your document for you.
  • MULTIPLE INJURED WORKERS FOR NAME + DOB + SSN: In instances where multiple cases exist for an injured worker but the names, DOBs or SSN’s are different, EDEXIS can intercede on your behalf and work with the DWC to correct the errors.
  • VENUE ERRORS: If a venue error occurs due to a missing or incorrect venue, we can simply change the venue on your submission and resubmit that document.
  • FAILED CREDIT CARD ON A LIEN FILING: If the $150 lien filing fee payment fails, our users receive a notice via email with a link that allows them to add a new card and resubmit the lien.
  • UAN ERRORS: If a filing contains an incorrect UAN, we can simply update the document to the correct UAN and resubmit the form. UAN’s are automated in our system so this is very rare and typically only happens when a filing happens as a UAN is being changed at the DWC.
  • DOR – HEARINGS ALREADY ON CALENDAR: When filing a DOR through EDEXIS we automatically stop your DOR if a hearing is already on file for that case. 
  • DWC CHANGES: Occasionally, the DWC will make a programming change without notifying filers.  The most recent example of this was when they stopped accepting American Express cards for lien filing fees.  Because we monitor filings so closely, we can quickly recognize these issues, and both share that information and fix those filings.

When you pair our error monitoring with our other filing efficiencies, you can image how much less time you spend filing through EDEXIS:

  • Unlimited simultaneous users that can file at the same time.
  • Automated mailed and emailed service to the other parties with a proof of service.
  • Automatically populated form data including all existing ADJ data.
  • Archived and updated forms and filing status including filing ID capture.
  • Automated Trial Exhibit Lists, and the ability to include a check and/or SASE with any mailing.
  • Automated NOR follow-up.

To learn more, please contact customer support at support@edexis.com or sign up online:

Automated NOR Report

If you have ever filed a Notice of Representation with the DWC, you know that the electronic filing triggers a manual review. Once the NOR is filed, your UAN has to be added to the case by a clerk. Thus, it is necessary to monitor your NORs to ensure that you are accurately being added to the address record. We have automated this monitoring process.

We can set your account up to automatically review NORs filed in the last 90 days and confirm that your UAN has been added to the address record. We will email you a report on the 3rd day of each month. This report meets the guidelines of the DWC’s process requiring you to send them a specifically formatted spreadsheet to request NOR follow-ups.

If you are interested, please contact customer support. We will start by running a full year report on your past NORs and then continue with the monthly report. There is no additional charge for this service.

Also, just a reminder that we can batch file your NOR’s for you when needed.




andrea@edexis.com or julia@edexis.com

Easy Data Reports

Our EDEX data reporting features provide something for everyone. Select your REPORTS tab and then select the drop down menu. You can see a detailed explanation of what each report does. Here’s a little more guidance on those options:


Filing History: Displays all filings and mailings including how many parties were served.

Mailing History: Displays the document title that was mailed with each recipient served and the total cost.

Invoice Details Report: All monthly charges are itemized individually. Reference fields can be associated.

Print and Delivery Certification Report: Review all of your mailings and their delivery status.


Calendar (by receive date or hearing date): Quickly import your hearings into your internal calendar if you aren’t using the EDEXIS calendar.

Event: Capture all case events for faster review.

Case Opening: When a SSN or ERN watch is filed, it may eventually generate a notice of a case opening when a new ADJ case is created. This is also an automated feature when an Application of Adjudication is submitted via filing. Watches and subsequent case opening notices are an excellent tool for risk management and insurance providers.

Casewatch (without or without parties included): Quickly assess all cases you are tracking via casewatch.

Lien Payment: Audit your $150 lien fees against your credit card statement.

Liens vs. Casewatches: Never forget to file that casewatch. This report compares all of your filings to those cases you are tracking and alerts you to any missing casewatches. You can also email that report to support@edexis and we can batch process any missing casewatches. Casewatches provide hearings, events, and case party updates when a party changes and you DON’T have to be a case party.

Settlement Plus Report: Shows every case you have indicated an interest in via a search, casewatch, or filing and then the status of that case. This includes filings, hearings, settlement status, etc.

Report Tricks:

  • Some reports limit the time range available from the interface. If you need a larger date range, contact support and we will run that report for you.
  • When a report generates, it goes to your DocBox tab.
  • One report that isn’t available from the interface is the NOR REPORT. We can run this for you and quickly recognize if you have been added to the address record as a result of an NOR Filing.
  • There are no additional charges for reports.
  • Some reports can be automated to arrive in your email on your preferred schedule – daily, weekly, etc.
  • If you can’t find exactly what you are looking for, let us know!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



California Judicial Council Proof of Service

Starting Monday, September 26th, you will notice a few changes to the usual flow of EDEX Mailing. The order of mailing steps is now different, but as you proceed you will still see the same familiar pages. We encourage you to click through the whole process to the end.

Modifications allowed the addition of two California Judicial Proofs of Service – both the 030/050 and 040/050. You still have the option to choose the EDEXIS proof of service or no proof of service as well. The EDEXIS proof of service now has a similar layout for consistent formatting across all of our proof of service templates.

Additional judicial proofs of service for other states are coming soon. Please reach out to us with your comments or requests, and as always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.

209-223-3461 or 866-GET-EDEX
