American Express Credit Cards No Longer Accepted by DWC

As of 09/02/2022, the California DWC stopped accepting American Express payments for the $150 lien filing fee. The DWC did not provide advanced notification of this new policy, and did not advertise the change in a DWC Newsline newsletter.

We recognized the problem over Labor Day weekend and were able to confirm the issue with the DWC administration. The DWC has not clarified the reason for the change or why no notification was provided.

We have contacted all affected parties that filed their liens via EDEXOne.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact customer service at 209-223-3461.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.

Reduce Your Mailing Costs by 33%

Do you know the true cost of processing mail in your office? Once you calculate time, paper, envelopes, printer consumables, and postage, an average envelope is at least $3.85. Mailing via EDEXIS includes all of those costs for only $2.60 – a 33% savings.

If you already have an EDEXIS account, you already have access to our mailing services. Mailing can be used in conjunction with an electronic EAMS filing or on its own to any destination. Contact us and request a $4.00 credit to try your first mailing. If you send us your logo, we can add that to your account and it will print on your outgoing, daily mail, envelope.

If you don’t have, or need, an EDEXIS full account, Mail Only accounts are available from an online sign up. There is no commitment and you simply pay as you go.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.

209-223-3461 or 866-GET-EDEX

Automated DE-120 and DE-121 Probate Forms

The DE-120 and DE-121 Probate forms have been automated within EDEXIS Mailing Services.

After entering prompted form information from the Universal Templates option, you can add the parties for service and the DE (MA) Proof of Service will be generated with the DE-120 or DE-121. We will then mail your documents and sign the proof of service.

Parties can be added individually or uploaded from a CSV file. If you use Clio or Casefriend, parties can be uploaded directly from these case management systems.

Mailing services include…

  • First Class, Certified, Certified Return Receipt, or Priority.
  • Email Delivery with confirmation of opened email.
  • All mail is trackable to varying degrees – even First Class.
  • Self addressed, stamped envelopes – pre-paid or not.
  • Check inclusion – Coming in late July.
  • Your logo included on all outgoing mail pieces.
  • Archived documents and party service status.
  • Delivery Certification.

You can sign up for a free trial account with no credit card required and no commitment. While our site is very intuitive, we are also happy to give you a guided webinar tour that takes about 10 – 15 minutes once you sign up. Free trial mailings do not include your company logo unless you request that feature first.

Please contact customer support for additional information. We look forward to chatting with you —



EDEXIS Email Delivery with a Proof of Service

EDEXIS now offers delivery by email that includes the following features for .99 cents.

  1. Confirmation of Delivery: When your email is sent to the recipient, the status will be updated when that email is opened and viewed. In the sample below, you can see that three of the parties opened and downloaded their email. However, the fourth party, Julia Burns, refused the Mutual Party Agreement. What is a Mutual Party Agreement, you ask?

2. Automated Mutual Party Agreement: When serving legal documents, the recipient needs to agree to accept service via email from a specific sender. With every party you email, you have a choice to request an Automated Mutual Party Agreement. Once the recipient agrees to service, we then deliver the email. If the recipient refuses the service, we note that as well. If the recipient has already previously agreed to email service from you, you would simply not check the box requesting the Mutual Party Agreement. If a recipient refused delivery, you will receive an email with that notification. You can then go back to the mailing record, select the “Create Duplicate” option and serve that recipient by mail without having to recreate the packet.

3. Proof of Service: Like all of our delivery options, you can choose to include a proof of service with an email. Here is a sample of that proof of service. Once the confirmation of email receipt is received, the signed version of the proof of service is delivered to you via email (if set up) and is included with your archived document.

4. Combined Mailing Types: While the sample above shows four parties being served by email, you can select multiple mailing types. For example, if you are serving ten different parties and want two of them to receive Certified Mail, four to receive First Class, and four of them to be served via email, you can certainly do so. You would need to start the process from the “Daily Mail” option as shown below. If you want to combine email service with aggregated mail, you would need to start from the aggregated option.

5. Personal Note: When requesting delivery by email by EDEXIS, you can also include a personal note to the recipient. They will see this note before they open the email.

6. Email by Sender: There may be some instances where you want to email a document to the recipient yourself with a proof of service. You will also see that option for mailing. The proof of service notes that you are actually emailing the document, not us. There is no charge for this service and it does NOT include the features above.

As always, if you have any questions about these new features, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


New EDEXIS Mailing Interface

COMING NEXT WEEK — We will be introducing our updated mailing interface. You will access it from the Mailing Services tab in EDEXOne, but the flow will be a bit different. If you were previously using the site, you will be automatically redirected. Additionally, there will be new features included:

  • Email by EDEXIS. A few months ago we added the ability for YOU to generate a Proof of Service indicating that you were going to send service by email. Now, we also have the choice to have US email the document for you. The Proof of Service reflects this service. When we email a document on your behalf, the interface will note when the recipient has opened the email. Email delivery requires that the recipient agree to being served by that process. If you choose, our interface can now electronically confirm that the recipient accepts electronic service BEFORE we attempt to serve them – $0.99
  • Document Dividers. When a document is assembled for mailing, we can now insert a green separator sheet between each individual document. $1.25
  • Checks. Coming Soon — opt to include a check with a mailing – $1.25

We will still have all of the other services you have come to expect:

  • First Class, Certified, and Priority Mail (with automated status updates in your account)
  • Daily mail service sent out M-F at 1:00. If your mail is submitted before 1:00 it will go out the same day
  • Optional proof of service – FREE
  • Email service by user – FREE
  • Envelope Tagline – FREE
  • Your logo on the envelope – FREE
  • Mailing certification – FREE
  • Automated refund of Certified and Priority Mail if not delivered within 35 days – FREE
  • Return Envelope (with or without postage) – $1.25
  • Single-sided or double-sided printing.
  • Casefriend and Clio integration
  • The same affordable pricing. Aggregated mail starts at .99 up to 8 pages – $0.07 per page after. Daily mail (under 1oz) starts at $2.58

If you would like to schedule an online training of the new mailing interface, please don’t hesitate to let us know. As always, unlimited training is available for your account at no charge.

We appreciate your business and look forward to sharing these improvements.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



How (and why) to Flatten PDF Forms

When using a PDF FILLABLE form, the user must lock or “flatten” the PDF document after completing the form fields to ensure the document can be viewed on all devices and to prevent other users from manipulating or editing the information. Flattening is also recommended when you add an electronic signature to a PDF document. This adheres the signature to the document so that the signature doesn’t move or accidentally get deleted.

When submitting a document electronically via EDEXOne for mailing or filing, our system will flatten a document for you. However, flattening your document prior to any type of upload will ensure an added level of security and accuracy.

Follow the steps below to flatten a completed form.

  1. Right click on document and select Print or select File and select Print.
  2. Select the PDF PRINTER option.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Specify location to save the flattened version of the form.
  5. Select Save.

FREE! Add Your Logo to Your Mailings

When you mail a document via our EDEX Mailing services, we can include your black and white logo on the outgoing envelope at no charge. Service available for first class, certified, and some aggregate mailing.

Simply email your logo to or and we will add your logo to your account.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



Workcompcentral is Discontinuing their EDEX and Filing Services!

As you probably already know, WorkCompCentral is no longer offering EDEX data and EAMS filing services. EDEX Information Systems, Inc. (EDEXIS) has partnered with WorkCompCentral to ensure a quick, easy, affordable alternative option. This includes:

  • Same day set-up
  • Waiver of monthly charges through January 1, 2023
  • EDEXIS will honor any remaining credits towards EDEXIS transactions that were purchased with WCC (cannot be used towards mailing).
  • Transition of any cases being tracked via WCC at no charge.
  • Monthly invoicing. (We do not provide pre-purchased credits).
  • Unlimited users at no additional cost (users can simultaneously file into EAMS)

MAIL services:

  • Mail any document within the US First Class, Certified, Certified Return Receipt, or Priority mail.
  • All mail submitted before 1:00 goes out the same business day.
  • Aggregated mail is sent on Wednesdays and Fridays at discounted rates.
  • All mail, even first class, is trackable.
  • Status of mail is reported and monitored via our interface.
  • Mailing services available with no contract and immediate sign up with pay as you go. (Billing requires a contract).
  • Your company logo can be printed on the envelopes we mail for you.
  • $4.00 credit available to any new account to try a free mailing.
  • Self addressed, stamped envelopes can be included.
  • Proof of service is optional and can include mail and/or email service.

EDEX services:

  • SSN, ERN, and ADJ Searches
  • SSN, ERN, and ADJ Tracking (Cases tracked include any pre-calendared hearings)
  • Automated calendar with export features
  • Case Party Updates — notices are generated when any party is added, removed, or changes. The changes are highlighted and tracked so that you can quickly identify the change.
  • Batch uploads at discounted pricing
  • Robust reporting features

EAMS services:

  • Filing of EAMS docs including: C&R, Lien, Stip, DOR, Application,Unstructured, and Custom Templates.
  • Mailing of party documents with or without a proof of service.
  • Proof of service legally accommodates email service by client .
  • FileNet connection with an EAMS external user login. This allows you to view and download DWC case documents if you are a party to the case.
  • Archived documents at no charge.
  • Automatic population of most form data.


  • EDEXIS connects, via API, to both Casefriend and Clio
  • Unlimited customer support. No phone trees!!
  • EAMS data clean up

To learn more about EDEXIS, please feel free to visit our Blog and our Website, or give us a call at 866-GET-EDEX or 209-223-3461. You can also email us at,, or

NEW! Party Service by Email!

and…Is your Proof of Service legal?

When mailing or filing a document through EDEXIS, you can now choose to have us serve some parties via mail while you serve other parties via email. The new Proof of Service will legally accommodate both our mailing AND your email.

For each party you choose or enter, you will see the Email Option at the bottom of the delivery type list as shown below…

The following page will prompt you for the email proof of service information….

While other mailing providers may say that they have this option available, their proof of service may not indicate that YOU are actually doing the emailing. They often group the email service in with the mailing service and then attest that THEY are serving all of the parties — even when YOU are serving the emailed recipients. This creates a very inaccurate proof of service.

Just a reminder that only recipients that have agreed to receive their documents via email from a specific sender can be served via email.

While considering the legality of a proof of service, it is also worth noting that a POS should NOT be signed when it is mailed. Ours are not. AFTER we serve a document on your behalf, we can then attest that the service happened and we update the proof of service in your account to reflect that.

If you would like to learn more, you can visit a few of these sites:

If you have chosen to both mail and email parties, the proof of service will be a two page document. The first page will contain the details for the documents being mailed and the second page will contain the details for the documents being delivered electronically.

If you have any questions about this, or other features, please don’t hesitate to call us at 209-223-3461 or 866-GET-EDEX. You can also email or

Thank you!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.