EDEXIS Mail Services

Dump your po$tage meter and mail remotely for less!

If you are feeling buried by your outgoing mail, or even if you want to improve efficiency and allow your staff to more easily mail out documents both in house and remotely, EDEXIS mailing services can help. Simply upload the document you want to mail, and we take care of the rest.

  • Mail a document to any recipient within the United States
  • Mail a document in conjunction with an electronically filed California work comp EAMS document
  • Ideal for real estate, billing, trust, and family law documents — to name a few.
  • Proof of Service optional with each mailing.
  • Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes can also be included

For those already using our mailing services, mailing a document looks a little different these days. There is now a stand-alone tab in the left hand menu that says, “Mailing Services”.

From Mailing Services you can upload any document (work comp or not) using one of our existing templates or using a FREE personal template. Universal and Personal Templates are documents that automatically populate standard fields. If you are a California work comp professional, documents can be associated with a WCAB case number and will automatically populate the case information (including address records and companion case data) or you can choose to manually enter data for non WCAB mailings. (API integration and/or a linked address book are also options for data population).

Once you have mailed a document, you can monitor that document via the “Manage Filing” button:

Manage Filings allows you to review past documents that are archived indefinitely, review the parties that were chosen for receipt, review the activity log that reports delivery status, recreate the mailing and possibly send to other parties, or generate a Certificate of Mailing that creates a report of receipt status:

On the sample above, you can see that some of the mailings were sent with tracking numbers — Certified Mail or Priority Mail. However, the rest were simply mailed First Class. Even First Class reports the status of delivery. That first listing was actually returned as unclaimed. The last listing reports its delivery in Pomona. While scanning of standard First Class is more limited, it easily proves (at the minimum) that mail was entered into the mail stream and sent. When mail is sent Certified or Priority Mail, the signature receipt is also included with the Certification.

As shown below, we can print your logo with your return address and you can add a “Tag Line” on each individual mailing. These are particularly helpful if you are mailing to prisons and need to indicate “Legal Documents Enclosed” or if you want to highlight a “Personal Mail” item.

If you would like to try our mailing services, you can sign up for an immediate account that bills each of your transactions to your credit card. If you would like mailing services + work comp filing and work comp case tracking and searches, you can choose the full suite of services with a contract.

If you have any additional questions or would like to arrange a demo, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.





Certificate of Mailing


When was that letter mailed?

When did the recipient recieve it?

What was that tracking number?

With the click of a button, we will email you a Certificate of Mailing that shows the status of each of your mailed items. From your EDEXOne interface, simply select your MANAGE FILING button and then choose Certificate of Mailing.

Typically, the document you are mailing only requires a proof of service showing when it was mailed out. While our services provide that, we also provide automated tracking for most mail as it travels through the postal service.

If your mail is sent using Certified or Priority Mail, you will also see the tracking number and will receive the confirmation receipt:

If you would like to learn more about our mailing services, please contact us.

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



A Laundry List of EDEXIS Resources

We thought we would take some time this week to provide some resources and updates that we find particularly helpful when it comes to mailing documents, electronically filing documents in EAMS, and providing answers to your most frequent questions.

FILING: As many of you have likely noticed, the upload page for Unstructured documents has had some improvements. You can now search for document titles by key words vs. looking up titles alphabetically. AND your Universal and Personal Templates are now easier to access.

MAILING: When mailing documents via your EDEXIS account, our standard first class mailing now provides further information about delivery status at no additional cost. We have integrated additional USPS automation that will continue to provide faster, more accurate updates as your mail travels to its destination. We also have a mailing certification report that will be added to your accounts soon and will be capturing Certified Mail signatures for easy viewing.

TRIAL EXHIBITS: We continue to get a lot of questions about submitting trial exhibits to EAMS. It is important to remember that there is no document title called “Trial Exhibit”. Each document you submit needs to have its own document title and be uploaded individually. For example (as shown below), if you were submitting a medical document, you might search the document titles list by “Medical” to see all titles that are available.

BLOG: In addition to our Trial Exhibit blog, our blog page contains past information about Companion Case Liens, Filing Functionality, IBR & SBR, Claim Number Discovery, Address Updates, Mailing Services, Post-Offer Pre-Employment, and DWC Updates.

WALK THRU DOCUMENTS: Another question that we hear often is how to walk through documents at the DWC. The best resource for that information is this DWC Newsline and the included links:

Last, but certainly not least, please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions you may have. We are always happy to help!

Andrea Macon




New: Companion Case Liens

Repetitive work is often frustrating, time consuming, and expensive. Until now, that has certainly been true of filing companion case liens. Because the DWC doesn’t allow the filing of liens on companion cases, each lien had to be filed one at a time.

That is no longer true with EDEXOne. While your liens are still filed individually in the background to accommodate DWC limitations, the EDEXOne interface allows you to submit all of your liens for one injured worker at one time. Our smart automation handles the rest. This includes recognizing that the $150 filing fee is only charged on the first non-exempt lien, but not on the additional liens.

When companion cases are selected with any filing, the address record for each case is automatically included when you choose the parties to serve. This ensures that you are serving everyone necessary at one time. This is a huge cost and time saver.

This feature does only apply to liens that are filed with the same supporting documentation.

If you are still using our older software version and haven’t upgraded to EDEXOne yet, you will not have access to Companion Case Lien Filing. There are many other upgrades that are not available in our older platform as well — this is a great time to upgrade. There’s no additional cost required.

As with all of our services, if you would like a guided tour or additional help when you file your first companion case lien, please don’t hesitate to contact us.




andrea@edexis.com or julia@edexis.com

Get Familiar with Filing Functions for Fun and Flexibility?

Yes, that’s a lame alliteration, but your “Manage Filings” feature has all sorts of very not-lame functionality that is worth familiarizing yourself with. (I do realize that I am probably dating myself by referencing Gumby). Here is a quick guide to get you started:

Once you file or mail a document in EDEXOne you will see the “Manage Filings” drop down menu on the right side of the page:

You will notice that the last option is “Create Duplicate”. This is a new feature that will appear on a document that was mailed (but not filed into EAMS). “Create Duplicate” allows you to resend the same document to the same or different parties without having to upload the document again. You can add an additional document as well. If you need to resend billing documents or any other document, this is a great shortcut. This is also a quick option if you want to send some of your parties Certified Mail, but others first class.

The first option listed is “Documents”. As the image above shows, this is simply where you go to print any past documents that were mailed or filed. Your documents are archived to your account at no additional cost. Simply click on the link and your documents open as a PDF.

Select “Parties” and view everyone that was served a copy of the document WITH any tracking numbers. As the above image indicates for the first recipient, you can see that the Post Office received the document and reported the scan for a first class mail piece. The second party shows the tracking number for a Certified Mail item. By clicking on the tracking number you are taken directly to the USPS tracking page for this mailing.

Select “Activity” and view the filing and mailing log as shown above. This page will also report any filing or delivery errors. Filing error notices are rare, but when they happen customer support is notified for follow-up and in most instances the user will also receive an emailed notification. If the error is relative to a credit card failing for a lien filing, the email notice includes a link to allow a quick refiling with a new credit card addition.

If any of your documents being served on other parties are undeliverable, as shown above, you will also receive a notification.

Although not shown on the graphics above, when you select the “Manage Filings” button on a previously filed lien, you will also see an “Amend Lien” option. While lien amendments cannot be filed electronically to EAMS, they can be mailed to the other parties. The “Amend Lien” option automatically pulls your previous filing and updates it with the information you enter so that you can quickly send the new version to the recipients.

So, I don’t know that I would categorize all these as Fun but I guess they are pretty Flexible. Perhaps even Gumby worthy.

Andrea Macon

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



Independent Bill Review (IBR), Second Bill Review (SBR) and Lien Filing: Flowcharts and Forms

The flowchart below can help you decide between filing for Independent Bill Review (IBR) and/or filing a lien. Additionally, if you need to submit a request for Second Bill Review (SBR), that document can be automatically populated and mailed via your EDEX account from Form Templates:

Tired of Hunting for Claim Numbers? (plus a few other quick tips)

Do you need the insurance claim number for your ADJ case management? There is a quick way to request that number via EDEX.

When you select a mailed document (not filed into EAMS), you have access to numerous template documents as shown below:

The Request for Insurance Claim Number template will allow you to quickly create and mail a letter to the insurance company requesting a claim number.

The letter will direct the recipient to a website that allows the adjuster to enter the claim number. That claim number will then be automatically captured for your receipt.

The insurance company will be directed here to enter the claim information:

A few other quick tips…

  • When filing documents electronically through EDEX do NOT include Cover Sheets and Separator Sheets. We see this frequently when filers are submitting trial exhibits.
  • Unlimited training is available with every EDEX account. If you would like to arrange an online training, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
  • When a Casewatch is filed in EDEX, it automatically generates FUTURE hearing notices but also future event notices and case party updates. A case party update lets you know when any party on the address record has been updated, added, or removed.
  • It is possible to track an injured worker’s social security number and/or ERN number. Future cases that open for that injured worker will automatically trigger a notice to your account.
  • If you filed past liens outside of our system, we can request a list of all of your past $150 lien filing confirmation numbers, and populate your account with those numbers. Any DOR filed with us will then automatically include that confirmation number.

Let us know how we can help you!

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.



Cleaning House in EAMS

We’ve all heard, “garbage in – garbage out” and it is certainly applicable to work comp data! One data element that can easily be cleaned up in EAMS is your address. However there is more to understanding this process than meets the eye.

Most work comp participants are familiar with the UAN (Uniform Assigned Name) that is defined and assigned by the DWC. For example, here are a few UAN’s assigned to SCIF:

If SCIF wanted to change their address for their Bakersfield office, they would very likely simply request that update for their UAN address. The problem is, SCIF, and almost all other work comp case parties, have multiple other addresses for that same entity that also need to be updated, or at least reviewed. Small doctor’s offices and law offices might only have 10 or 20 other listings, while larger offices might have several hundred.

Why do parties have all these different listings?

Each separate listing can be considered a folder. In each folder is at least one case, sometimes 20, sometimes hundreds. When an ADJ case is opened and a party is listed on that case, HOW they are listed can trigger a new FOLDER that contains that ADJ number. Ideally, all entities are listed with their UAN which avoids triggering new folders opening and puts all of their cases in one folder together. However, if a party is listed with a different naming convention, say with an extra space, or a different address, or “Lane” instead of “Ln” a new folder will open and create a new listing that may need its address updated in the future. While UAN’s have fixed much of this problem with current filings, old filings were not restricted by UAN’s.

If one of the myriad, non-UAN, addresses isn’t updated, any cases associated with that folder will have the wrong address listed on the party record. When other parties mail documents to that address for service, those documents may not be delivered.

Additionally, if you are an eFiler and have an EAMS account, you will ideally want to be able to view EVERY case where you are a party. If one of those cases happens to be under a different address and/or name variation it may not be connected to your EAMS account.

We can fix this for you as part of our address update services and EAMS case linking follow-up. There is no charge for this service. We simply provide it to ensure that the DWC’s data, and thus, our data, is as accurate as possible. If you would like to take advantage of a data review, please email a request to andrea@edexis.com. In your email, include:

  • Your current physical address
  • Your current mailing address
  • Any names and aliases. For example, a law firm name with the individual attorney names or a doctor’s name with the practice name. Ideally, a middle initial should be included for any individuals.
  • Contact information for your EAMS Administrator if applicable.
  • If you know you need an address update, you can simply submit the request found here: https://edexis.com/addresschange.htm

Lastly, you may also want to mail the change of address notices to the parties on each WCAB case that you are involved with. We can do this for you with a batch mailing.

For a clean sweep or any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

andrea@edexis.com or 209-223-3461

The Hard Way or the EDEX Way:

Notices of Representation & Substitutions of Attorney

When you look up the EAMS directions for filing a Notice of Representation or Substitution of Attorney, you will find SEVEN pages of instruction.

When you want to file these documents via EDEX, much of that process is automated.

  • Send us your NOR or Substitution document to be built into your account as an automatically populated template.
  • Decide if you want us to batch file your documents from a spreadsheet of cases or if you want to file them into EAMS one at a time via the interface.
  • Regardless if your documents are filed via a batch or individually, we can serve the other parties for you.
  • Wait at least ten days and then request our automated confirmation report. The report is automatically formatted to meet the seven pages of EAMS directions and will list any ADJ’s that have not been updated yet. This report can then easily be forwarded per DWC requirements.

For more information call 209-223-3461 or email Andrea@edexis.com