The Hard Way or the EDEX Way:

Notices of Representation & Substitutions of Attorney

When you look up the EAMS directions for filing a Notice of Representation or Substitution of Attorney, you will find SEVEN pages of instruction.

When you want to file these documents via EDEX, much of that process is automated.

  • Send us your NOR or Substitution document to be built into your account as an automatically populated template.
  • Decide if you want us to batch file your documents from a spreadsheet of cases or if you want to file them into EAMS one at a time via the interface.
  • Regardless if your documents are filed via a batch or individually, we can serve the other parties for you.
  • Wait at least ten days and then request our automated confirmation report. The report is automatically formatted to meet the seven pages of EAMS directions and will list any ADJ’s that have not been updated yet. This report can then easily be forwarded per DWC requirements.

For more information call 209-223-3461 or email

DWC Advises of Delayed Processing Times

The DWC is encouraging everyone to file their documents into EAMS electronically instead of mailing them. EDEX can have you filing in one day with JetFiling. Additionally, EDEX can serve the parties for you, build your existing forms into your filing account, and archive your filing documents. All for .99 per electronic filing and .99 per party for delivery (.06 per page after 8 pages).

Ideally, while you immediately begin filing electronically with EDEX, and benefitting from our easy filing interface, you can apply for your EAMS external user account. It can take 5 to 10 weeks to receive your EAMS log in and requires a 3 hour online training, but having EAMS access allows you to look up case documents. Thus we encourage you to utilize both systems in order to make electronic filing as easy as possible.

To get started, simply email or call our office!


10% of Job Applicants Have Past, Litigated Work Comp Injuries

If you are an employer, your hiring process can include a background search of an applicant’s past, litigated work comp injuries. While the average demographic of these injuries is 10%, some industries are much higher.

Additionally, EDEX provides automated alerts when a new case opens for an employee and the ability to track that case for future hearings, events, and party updates. This is time saving data for your risk management department.

To learn more about using EDEX data for human resources and risk management, please click below to read our white paper and see a sample search.

Work Smarter (and faster)!

Many aspects of our jobs can be repetitive tasks – doing the same thing – over, and over, and over again.  The positive side of repetitive activity is that these tasks are usually the easiest to automate.  

Managing your California, litigated work comp data is no different.  

Are you doing any of these repetitive tasks?

  • Searching for ADJ case numbers by manually entering injured worker names, date of birth, or social security numbers?
  • Checking ADJ cases for upcoming hearing notices or past activity to recognize closing orders?
  • Re-checking for ADJ cases that you are waiting to open?
  • Filing Notices of Representation one at a time? Looking those cases up individually to confirm that you have been added to the case?
  • Filing Lien Withdrawals, Changes of Address, DOR’s, 4903.8(d) declarations one at a time?
  • Populating forms with ADJ case data over and over again?

All of these transactions, and others, can be done via automation and batch processing – usually from data exported from your case management system or from DWC data.

Call our customer support staff at 209-223-3461 and let us help streamline your workflow and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.

What did you mail last week?

I mailed:

  • a few collection letters via Certified Return Receipt with a Proof of Service,
  • a few address update reminders via First Class mail,
  • a bunch of invoices via First Class Mail with a self-addressed, stamped envelope included.


Did you have to go to the post office?

I didn’t. I also didn’t have to…

  • wait in line,
  • leave my home office,
  • print my documents,
  • stuff the documents in envelopes,
  • or apply postage.


EDEX did all of this for me, plus…

  • automatically included a proof of service,
  • included a self-addressed, stamped envelope at my request,
  • printed a tagline on the outside of my envelope to catch the recipient’s attention,
  • printed my logo on the outside of the envelope,
  • then they archived my document for easy future access.


EDEX doesn’t just do this for me because I work for them, they can do this for you too. Simply upload your document via EDEXOne and EDEX will mail that document for you anywhere in the United States.

If you already have an account, you already have access to this feature. If you don’t have an account, you can get a pay-as-you-go mailing only account or a full suite of EDEX services.

DWC Mandated Electronic Filing

Per the DWC’s May 28, 2020 Newsline, the “DWC will not accept walk-in filings, walk-through documents, or in-person requests at this time. DWC will only accept electronic filing via EAMS and JET File, and paper filing by U.S. mail.”

Now that the DWC is requiring that most documents be filed electronically into EAMS, there has been a scramble for manual filers to start filing electronically. While those choosing to JetFile can normally be up and filing the same day with the EDEXOne platform, those choosing to E-File with the DWC must wait for the next EAMS training (one every 5 weeks), attend a 3 hour, online training, and then navigate the steep E-filing learning curve.

Additional advantages of JetFiling vs. E-Filing include:

Unlimited UsersYesNo
Simultaneous FilingYesNo
Same/Next Day Set UpYesNo
Unlimited, Immediate TrainingYesNo
Automated Data PopulationYesNo
Notification of Failed FilingsYesNo
Firefox, Chrome, Safari CompatibleYesNo
Case Document ViewingYesYes
DOR Date RequestNoYes
Leave a Filing and Finish LaterYesNo
Automated Proof of ServiceYesNo
NOR Party List Follow UpYesNo
Lien Payment Confirmation Number StorageYesNo
Archived DocumentsYesNo
Documents Delivered to Other PartiesYesNo
Auto-Populated Custom TemplatesYesNo
Batch FilingYesNo
Mailing (First Class, Certified, Priority, SASE)YesNo
Automated Hearing CalendarYesNo
Case DiscoveryYesYes
Easy, Intuitive InterfaceYesNo
Lien Filing Fee Report for Payment AuditYesNo
Case Opening NotificationYesNo
New and Updated Party AlertsYesNo
DWC Data Management
– Address Updates
– Data Compilation From Various UAN’s/ERN’s
Cost: (99¢ Filing and 99¢ Party Delivery)AffordableFree

EDEX Frosting

A few of the good things that make EDEX even better — Now including automated Second Bill Review!

There’s the cake of EDEX — things like electronic filing, party delivery, and case tracking — and then there’s the frosting. These are the EDEX add-ons that are great shortcuts and time savers. And what’s a cake without frosting??

  • Automated Second Bill Review: See the directions to automatically create a Second Bill Review.
  • FileNet: View all of the EAMS documents for any case in your EDEXOne account.
  • Reports: We have a long list of reports available on demand. An easy way to receive a summary of your filing, your lien filing fee payments, and your hearings or events to name a few. Reports can also be automated for pre-defined delivery times via email.
  • NOR Report: If you file your Notice of Representation through EDEXOne, an NOR report will track the follow-up at the DWC. If they have not added a representative after ten days, the NOR report can be forwarded to the DWC for follow-up. No need to check cases daily to ensure a rep is added.
  • Payment Online: Your accounting department can pay online with their own login.
  • Address Book: From an Excel spreadsheet, we can store mailing addresses that you commonly use.
  • Clio: Are you an attorney using Clio case management software? If so, our EDEXOne application now integrates with Clio!
  • Signature Capture: Add a signature to each account to automatically populate appropriate forms. Simply request a signature capture form and we will send you an email.

And….something fantastic that we are whipping up in the programming kitchen —

  • Automated management of the hearing notices and emails that you receive from the DWC. If you are currently receiving these documents via the mail, we can convert these to email and automate this process for you. No more opening envelopes, reading documents, and comparing that information to your calendar or file data. If you are currently receiving this information via email, you are one step ahead and can get started even sooner. There is a little bit of set-up involved in this process so I would encourage you to call us now if you are interested.

How To: Second Bill Review

After selecting CREATE FILING you will need to select the appropriate form type. If an ADJ case number already exists, select MAIL ONLY CASE RELATED PARTIES as shown below. If no ADJ exists, select MAIL ONLY NON CASE RELATED. The first option will automatically populate all existing case data.

At the ATTACH DOCUMENTS page, choose FORM TEMPLATE and then SECOND BILL REVIEW. Follow the prompts, select the party for service and submit!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will happily guide you through a mailing and/or filing.


Relax! EDEX makes forms easy!

Whether you are filing forms electronically into EAMS or simply need to generate a form to mail to another party, EDEX automates those forms for you.

An automated form pulls default data from your account, from WCAB case information (when applicable), from WCAB UAN lists, and from custom interface pages that prompt you to fill in any necessary data. For example, here is the interface for a Notice of Phone Availability. Those items highlighted in yellow are entered with every document creation.

Everything else automatically populates by simply entering the WCAB case number.

These forms can be customized to your purpose. They can be filed electronically into EAMS when appropriate or simply mailed via our mailing service if filing isn’t needed.

Documents available with every account for electronic filing into EAMS include:

  • Lien
  • Lien Amendment
  • Applications of Adjudication
  • Declaration of Readiness
  • Compromise and Release (creates C&R for signatures and then allows you to upload that form electronically)
  • Stipulation with Request for Award
  • Request for Order Taking off Calendar
  • Request for Withdrawal of Lien
  • Request for Withdrawal of DOR
  • Notice of Phone Availability
  • Notice of Representation (with a tracking feature that reports successful addition to party record)
  • Unstructured Forms
  • Forms created and customized for you

Documents already available for mailing:

  • Notice of Additional Supporting Documents
  • Notice of Hearing
  • Post Settlement Demand Letter
  • Request for Insurance Claim Number (linked to website so carrier can submit the number online)
  • Forms created and customized for you

All forms have the option of an automated proof of service, whether you would like to do your own service or if you would like to use our mail services. All documents are archived in your account for future access as a PDF and anytime we provide service, the recipients are logged and delivery is reported when applicable.

If you are currently using EAMS to file your documents, there are many differences:

EDEXOne Includes:

  • Automatically generated proof of service and many verifications.
  • Unlimited users that can access the site simultaneously
  • Same day account set up will have you filing immediately
  • Advanced automated data population
  • Notification of the rare failed filing. No need to write down and track EAMS filing confirmations.
  • Archived forms
  • Party delivery
  • Firefox, Chrome, and Safari Compatible
  • Automated Hearing Calendar
  • FileNet Document Viewing
  • Lien Payment Confirmation Number Capture
  • Leave a filing and finish later
  • Batch filing (file all of your NOR’s simply be sending us a spreadsheet of cases).
  • 24-Hour submission of filing (sorry to make you work late).

To learn more, give us a call. We are happy to walk you through a filing or provide a complete webinar training. You can also learn more here:

EDEX Information Systems, Inc.


Mailing Made Easy

No printing, envelopes, or stamps needed.

How do you currently send your mail? If I had to guess, I bet it looks something like this:

  1. Print your document. (Costs include toner, paper and your time.)
  2. Compile all necessary papers and insert into an envelope.
  3. Label the envelope.
  4. Apply postage. If you have a Pitney Bowes meter, you pay an exorbitant rental fee plus postage, plus the cost of your time.
  5. Take to the post office, or drop in a box, or have the postman pick up. All of these options have become more complicated with Covid. If you are working from home, even more so.

Your mailing process could actually be this simple:

  1. Upload the document you want to mail via EDEX. DONE! This one easy step includes:
  • Multiple mailing services: First Class, Certified, Certified Return Receipt, or Priority Mail
  • Your logo printed in black and white with your return address on the envelope.
  • An option to include a tag line on the outer envelope.
  • Optional Proof of Service
  • A self-addressed, stamped envelope can be included.
  • Double sided or single sided mailing.
  • Archived documents and detailed reporting for delivery services.
  • Mailing is included with a standard EDEX account or as a stand-alone service with quick, online sign up.
  • Clio Integration
  • Resident template documents within your account for frequently used documents.
  • Automatic population of California Workers’ Compensation case data when applicable.
  • Automated, importable, address book for quick addition of recipients.
  • Select unlimited, multiple recipients for any document.
  • Upload documents in Word and PDF

If you already have an account, please give us a call and we can quickly walk you through the mailing process and answer any questions. If you don’t have an account, and need other work comp services such as EAMS Filing, Case Tracking, and Discovery tools, you can sign up here or call us:

If you only want mailing and have no need of California work comp related services, you can sign up here:

EDEX Information Services, Inc.
