Get Familiar with Filing Functions for Fun and Flexibility?

Yes, that’s a lame alliteration, but your “Manage Filings” feature has all sorts of very not-lame functionality that is worth familiarizing yourself with. (I do realize that I am probably dating myself by referencing Gumby). Here is a quick guide to get you started: Once you file or mail a document in EDEXOne you will …

Independent Bill Review (IBR), Second Bill Review (SBR) and Lien Filing: Flowcharts and Forms

The flowchart below can help you decide between filing for Independent Bill Review (IBR) and/or filing a lien. Additionally, if you need to submit a request for Second Bill Review (SBR), that document can be automatically populated and mailed via your EDEX account from Form Templates:

The Hard Way or the EDEX Way:

Notices of Representation & Substitutions of Attorney When you look up the EAMS directions for filing a Notice of Representation or Substitution of Attorney, you will find SEVEN pages of instruction. When you want to file these documents via EDEX, much of that process is automated. Send us your NOR or Substitution document to be …