What are California Work Comp Hearing and Event Notices?

I recently had a client ask me for a list of all DWC EVENT and HEARING NOTICES. She wanted to know every specific event and hearing notice that we provided and how to access those without logging into each of her cases everyday or manually inputting mailed/emailed hearing notices from the DWC. EDEXIS allows users …

EDEXIS Mail Services

Dump your po$tage meter and mail remotely for less! If you are feeling buried by your outgoing mail, or even if you want to improve efficiency and allow your staff to more easily mail out documents both in house and remotely, EDEXIS mailing services can help. Simply upload the document you want to mail, and …

Independent Bill Review (IBR), Second Bill Review (SBR) and Lien Filing: Flowcharts and Forms

The flowchart below can help you decide between filing for Independent Bill Review (IBR) and/or filing a lien. Additionally, if you need to submit a request for Second Bill Review (SBR), that document can be automatically populated and mailed via your EDEX account from Form Templates:

Work Smarter (and faster)!

Many aspects of our jobs can be repetitive tasks – doing the same thing – over, and over, and over again.  The positive side of repetitive activity is that these tasks are usually the easiest to automate.   Managing your California, litigated work comp data is no different.   Are you doing any of these repetitive tasks? — Searching for …