Tracking, Tracing, and Other Mail Lingo

If you’ve ever learned a new language, you quickly realize that much can be lost in translation. Understanding the lingo of the US Postal Service is practically a language in and of itself. Because we send mail on behalf of our clients, we are often immersed in that language. As we want to be sure …

EDEXIS Mail or DocuCents Mail?

Two commonly used, California-based, mail services are EDEXIS and DocuCents, but did you know that we started out as one company – DWC Direct. The original program only catered to California, litigated work comp mailings and were typically used in conjunction with electronic filing for the DWC’s case management system, EAMS. This led to aggregated …

EDEXIS Mail Services

Dump your po$tage meter and mail remotely for less! If you are feeling buried by your outgoing mail, or even if you want to improve efficiency and allow your staff to more easily mail out documents both in house and remotely, EDEXIS mailing services can help. Simply upload the document you want to mail, and …

A Laundry List of EDEXIS Resources

We thought we would take some time this week to provide some resources and updates that we find particularly helpful when it comes to mailing documents, electronically filing documents in EAMS, and providing answers to your most frequent questions. FILING: As many of you have likely noticed, the upload page for Unstructured documents has had …

What did you mail last week?

I mailed: a few collection letters via Certified Return Receipt with a Proof of Service, a few address update reminders via First Class mail, a bunch of invoices via First Class Mail with a self-addressed, stamped envelope included. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Did you have to go to the post office? I didn’t. I also didn’t have to… …