Mailing Security and Integrity

Whether EDEXIS is printing and mailing your party documents for an EAMS electronic filing or mailing general documents with or without a proof of service, we pride ourselves on the security and integrity of that mailing. Our security measures are often the reason that clients choose our services over other vendors. A few important features …

EDEXIS Mail Services

Dump your po$tage meter and mail remotely for less! If you are feeling buried by your outgoing mail, or even if you want to improve efficiency and allow your staff to more easily mail out documents both in house and remotely, EDEXIS mailing services can help. Simply upload the document you want to mail, and …

What did you mail last week?

I mailed: a few collection letters via Certified Return Receipt with a Proof of Service, a few address update reminders via First Class mail, a bunch of invoices via First Class Mail with a self-addressed, stamped envelope included. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Did you have to go to the post office? I didn’t. I also didn’t have to… …

Mailing Made Easy

No printing, envelopes, or stamps needed. How do you currently send your mail? If I had to guess, I bet it looks something like this: Print your document. (Costs include toner, paper and your time.) Compile all necessary papers and insert into an envelope. Label the envelope. Apply postage. If you have a Pitney Bowes …